People Will Be Shocked When You Peel Off Your Shirt!
Muscle-Building Method Works!
• Gain Weight—Muscle Weight—Pounds of It
• Triple Your Muscle-Building Progress
• Accelerate Fat Burning
• Slash Your Workouts in Half
• Discover the Ultimate Exercises
• Supercharge Every Set
• No Wasted Effort
“I watched as Jonathan and Steve began their X-Rep training experiment in late May, and I visually monitored their progress till their photo shoot July 1. I can honestly say that their bodies changed almost from one workout to the next. Every time I saw them in the gym, they had more muscularity and vascularity. It was a drastic transformation. I’m still amazed by the progress they made in only a month.”
—John Balik
IRON MAN Magazine
Do you want an attention-grabbing, muscle-packed physique? (Of course you do; who doesn’t?) But logic tells you that to get big and ripped you have to train like the top bodybuilders, and if you’ve seen their programs, you probably thought, “There’s no way in heck I have time for that!” Their workouts usually contain countless sets and take two to three hours a day. Forget it!
Not so fast. There’s a much quicker way to pack on pounds of muscle. [Read more]