We’ve discussed our “iFast” method for simultaneous hypertrophy and fat loss (yes, it is possible)…
It’s basically a 12-hour protocol done only two non-consecutive days during the week…
We were apprehensive at first, but it works. Here are Steve’s results—and he’s in his 50s…
Why the initial fear? Well, we bodybuilders are extremely paranoid about losing even an ounce of muscle. Don’t worry, you won’t lose muscle with intermittent fasting—you will gain more…
That’s because while it throws fat in the furnace, it also supercharges your anabolic environment, including testosterone and growth hormone.
According to Dr. Michael Mosley, it results in “better metabolic adaptations, improved muscle-protein synthesis and a higher anabolic response to post-exercise feedings.” [J App Phys., Jan. 2011: 236-45]
If you look closely at the above photos, you’ll see that Steve got deeper abs and more muscle fullness, including impressive triceps sweep—even after only five weeks (photo 2).
Here’s what respected bodybuilding researcher Jerry Brainum said recently:
One fasting study measured urea nitrogen, which reflects a breakdown of muscle in the body. The study found it was not increased after 36 hours of fasting, but did increase at the 60-hour mark.
Another study of ADF fasting found that alternating between 20 hours of fasting and 28 hours of feeding did not alter whole-body protein metabolism in healthy men.
Again, the body doesn’t begin to catabolize muscle protein until after 3 days of sustained fasting. The energy derived during the first two days of fasting comes from stored glycogen reserves and fat breakdown.
There you have it. Twelve hours of fasting on two nonconsecutive days a week will NOT have you burning muscle—just the opposite as your body fat decreases and your testosterone and growth hormone increase. [Webber, J., et al. (1994). Br J Nutr.]
Still on the fence? Check out our friend Shaun Hadsall’s results…
He used a slightly different approach, similar to how The Rock does it, which is explained in the new 1-Day Hormone Reset protocol, developed specifically for the over-40 crowd (women use it too, as you’ll see)…
Hormone Reset includes Steve’s favorite 5:2 version, but also others like the one Shaun uses as well as celebrities, including 16/8, The Rock’s choice. Here’s the read-me page for more info…
–> Your anabolic hormone RESET to melt fat, build muscle, and slow aging
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson