Q: I am almost 50 and making incredible gains with the 4X method. I was reading that top trainer Charles Glass believes new muscle growth can be created with this style, thickening new fibers as well as expanding the sarcoplasm. However, he says you should still go “heavy” every so often. Every time I do that, my joints ache for days. Should I just put up with it and pile on the poundage every couple of weeks?
A: If you like going mega heavy, do it—but you’ll suffer the consequences. Glass says to train heavy every so often in order to keep the type 2B power fibers growing…
We prefer to NOT go ultra heavy—only semi-heavy with Downward Progression 4X. It’s one of the methods Jordon Williamson used to pack on 18 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks…
Steve outlines Jordon’s two-phase program in The Super-Size Crash Course and discusses all of the methods he used, including DP 4X…
For DP 4X, take your 15-rep max, but only do 12 reps. Rest 45 seconds as you add weight, then do 10 reps. Rest 45 seconds, add weight again, and do 8 reps. Rest 45 seconds, add weight one last time and go all out, shooting for 6 reps.
The short rests between set will prevent you from using joint-jolting poundages on the latter, lower-rep sets; however, the pyramid along with fatigue will force 2B fibers to fire on those last sets.
Another way to get those fibers to fire is with an X-celeration, or speed, set, which is also discussed in the Super-Size e-book…
Steve describes how to work it into a 3X sequence, but you can use it as a stand-alone set. It’s basically taking your 15-rep max weight, or even a bit lighter, and using controlled-but-explosive 1.5-second reps.
That’s a bit more dangerous because you really have to pay attention, focus and NOT throw, heave, or jerk the weight. Stay in control!
So, as you can see, you don’t have to suffer joint stress for ultimate mass-building success.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
Ripped Muscle Now: Harvard Research
Harvard researcher Dr. Dimitrios Stamou discovered an enzyme that eats bodyfat. It’s helping women and men lose up to 21 pounds on average in less than 28 days.
Plus, it can help bodybuilders get freaky ripped faster than ever (see the pic of the 69-year-old who is shredded at the link below).
Remember, when you’re leaner, you look bigger than ever… And best of all, your body can MAKE this fat-blasting enzyme by eating these specific foods… and they taste GREAT.
Our colleague, the man who owned the gym that Lou Ferrigno trained at in “Pumping Iron,” turned us onto this. He’s using it himself to shed fat faster than ever, and he’s in his 50s. Get the details and see his photo HERE.