One reason Arnold is considered by many to be the greatest bodybuilder of all time is that he could look shockingly massive or aesthetically sculpted, as in this photo.
We’re pretty sure it was taken near Venice Beach by either Art Zeller or Gene Mozee.
We’ve talked about Arnold’s multi-angular training before, but perhaps even more important was his total focus on the working muscle or muscles during a workout…
He emphasized the mind-muscle connection to get the most size stimulation on every set…
Focusing on “muscle feel” is extremely important. It’s the amplifier that makes every set a better anabolic/hypertrophic accelerator…
Take it from the Oak and feel every rep through the entire stroke.
Plus, use other hypertrophic accelerators like stretch exercises—flyes, for example—to slow-mo reps to speed sets to keep your mass gains coming.
Note: For more info on all of the above mass methods, check out our expanded Quick-Start Muscle-Building Guide. The NEW 2.0 version has many of those mass tactics infused into complete slow-twitch-exhaustion at-home workouts in a big, updated section…
The workouts are tailored to build muscle in a bare-bones home gym with only moderate poundages—all you need is an adjustable bench and dumbbells (all we have is a bench and the PowerBlock set, and it’s working for us big-time—we look forward to every workout)…
You can add this newly updated ebook to your mass-building library by clicking HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
Mass-Building Lessons From the Master Trainer
Vince Gironda was the Iron Guru, a bodybuilding legend ahead of his time. His most famous pupil in the bodybuilding world was the very first Mr. Olympia Larry Scott, and he also trained many Hollywood stars back in the day, like Clint Eastwood, and even Arnold consulted with him and was a fan (even though Vince told Arnold that he was a “fat f**k” when he first arrived in the U.S.).
Many of Vince’s mass-building tricks and methods have been forgotten, buried by information and misinformation overload on the Internet, but now you can find them all, his true methods, in this must-have, 330-page Vince Gironda e-book anthology…
You get everything from “Train 21 Rest 7” to 10-8-6-15 to Vince’s Stone Age Nutrition, the 8×8 method and program and much, much more (remember, it’s 330 pages). And it’s on sale at a discount for a limited time: Simply use the code GIRONDA20 at checkout for an extra 20 percent off.
Vince Gironda: Legend & Myth (300-page anthology + many bonus gifts and programs) HERE