Here’s a very cool comparison of three-time Mr. Olympia Frank Zane in his prime to how he looked peaked at age 65…
We have no idea if he was taking anything at 65—hormone replacement, GH, etc. Nevertheless, what an incredible feat at that advanced age. Gives us motivation that it can be done as Steve moves into his 60s and Jonathan gets close to 50…
One thing to note as you age: your recovery ability ratchets down quite a bit, especially if you’re not taking any “prescription supplements.”
Steve talks about his faltering recovery ability and how his workout changed as he got close to age 60 in Anabolic Reload, pages 29-30.
He pulled back from three full-body workouts to only two, usually on Tuesday and Friday. Each full-body workout lasts an hour to 1 1/2 hours. Moving to only two of those workouts helped his muscle mass immediately…
Since gyms closed due to the pandemic, he’s been training at home with only a doorway chin bar, an adjustable bench, and selectorized dumbbells, PowerBlock, each DB only going to a max of 50 pounds.
He was using the STX All-Dumbbell Workout 1 and 2 on pages 48 and 49 of the Quick-Start Muscle Building Guide 2.0, still training only Monday and Thursday with that limited equipment—and making darn good progress.
But as summer heated up, so did his motivation—plus birthday 61 was at the end of July…
So he decided to move back to three full-body workouts a week—Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. What happened? After a few week, he felt smaller with no new definition, a bodybuilder’s nightmare…
His guess was that he wasn’t recovering—just like before. Why would his recovery be better as he got older? C’mon, man! He was ready to pack up his motivation and go back to twice a week full-body workouts, but he had an epiphany…
Reading over the Quick-Start ebook, he saw the split-routine recommendation and had a thought: What if he split his body over Sunday and Monday, and then did a full-body on Thursday.
That way he could do slightly more volume on his split days and still follow the full-body workouts on Thursday. So he would still be training each muscle only twice a week but with a bit more volume overall…
Success! He began filling out his T-shirts again and actually saw more cuts appearing at the same time—a bodybuilder’s dream. He’s loving his workouts, and the new pumps are amazing, even at age 61…
Bottom line: As you get older, prioritize your recovery ability. Experiment with ways to reduce overall systemic stress while still attacking the target muscles twice a week with scientific training like STX.
NOTE: For more info on all of the above, please check out our expanded Quick-Start Muscle Building Guide. The NEW 2.0 version has many proven mass tactics infused into complete slow-twitch-exhaustion at-home workouts in a big, updated section…
The workouts are tailored to build muscle in a bare-bones home gym with only moderate poundages—all you need is an adjustable bench and dumbbells (all we have is a bench and the 50-pound PowerBlock set, and it’s working for us big-time—we look forward to every workout)…
You can add this newly updated ebook to your mass-building library by clicking HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
Testosterone prescriptions do more HARM than good for older men
Millions of men are struggling with the problems associated with low-T in today’s world, such as extra belly and chest fat, low energy and stamina, lack of sexual desire, ED problems, and loss of muscle.
Sadly, millions of men also turn to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) to try to overcome these problems and try to feel like a new man again…BUT there are some VERY concerning problems with TRT that every man NEEDS to know.
After reading the article below, you might want to consider alternate routes of boosting your T levels naturally instead of through something that’s potentially as harmful as TRT…
–> Why Testosterone Replacement Therapy can do more HARM than good (for any ladies reading this, please pass this on to your husband or boyfriend if they are using or have considered using TRT)
Go to the link below to discover the best way to fix this problem and build more muscle quickly.
>>> #1 Way To Boost Testosterone and Build Lean Muscle Mass Fast