Q: I’ve been using straight-up Positions of Flexion, and I’ve put on a lot of muscle in the last two months. I’m up about 10 pounds using the 3D Power Pyramid Workout [in the Freak-Physique Stretch-Overload e-book]. My gains slowed after about six weeks, so I started using TORQ on the last exercise [30-20-15 reps, 45 seconds rest]. Unreal pump and new veins coming in. But since I’m doing a two-way split, those three sets on so many exercises really drain me. Can I do just two, 30 and 20 reps?
A: Absolutely! The number of set depends on your individual recovery ability and the intensity of your entire workout. With the 3D Power Pyramid program in the Freak-Physique e-book, you’re doing heavy sets on the midrange and stretch exercises, so using the contracted move for high-end hypertrophic stimulation is perfect…
And two TORQ sets is plenty if your body is telling you three is too much. You’re training half your body at each workout, so that’s a lot of work at each session.
But even if you were doing a three-way split, 2 sets of a TORQ sequence may be plenty. It’s an individual thing…
And beside that, the 15-rep set is really close to a standard tension time anyway—especially if you’re speeding up the reps, which most people do because the pain is so intense by set 3. In other words, you’re really not missing a lot by dropping that third 15-repper…
We often do only two TORQ sets on low-energy or low-carb days. For example, a chest workout might be…
Midrange: Dumbbell bench presses (4X), 4 x 10
Stretch: Low-incline flyes (heavy), 2-3 x 7-9
Contracted: Cable crossovers (TORQ), 2 x 30, 20
So the dumbbell bench presses are with a moderate-weight 4X sequence, 35 seconds between sets. The low-incline flyes are two to three regular heavy sets, 1 to 1 1/2 minutes between. And for the crossovers it’s a two-set TORQ fest—and you’ll definitely feel the growth ache…
Remember, listed workouts are templates for you to customize to your own schedule, recovery, etc. to build size. Adjust and tweak to pack more mass on your physique.
Get the Freak-Physique Stretch-Overload e-book, that includes complete workouts fused with power-packed mass acceleration techniques HERE <==
Get 3D Muscle Building, the official Positions-of-Flexion mass-building manual, that includes Size Surge variations, like the Mass F/X routine, info on the Colorado Experiment, and more HERE <==
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
What Would You Do to Protect Your Family?
Mike Westerdal is a renowned personal trainer and national best-selling physical preparedness author, but he’s also a father and a husband… who would do anything to protect his family.
He used to get pushed around when younger and spent years building up his body and becoming stronger, getting mentally and physically tough the hard way. As he got bigger, he learned to handle himself, and working in security, he learned first-hand how violence really plays out.
Some of the other guys online who show off their self-defense videos and books need to get a grip. The level of skill needed to pull off their basic moves is CRAZY for most ordinary people.
- If a defense system requires more than a few hours to master, it’s not a program.
- The only techniques you will ever use are the simple ones.
- They need to work for an ordinary person without prior training, technique, or ability.
- So even if you think you don’t have time to learn how to defend yourself…
- You don’t need to spend years training to be a martial artist.