After more than 50 years in the muscle-building game combined, we’ve seen lots of anabolic “magic potions” come and go—like powdered deer antler…
But a few have risen above as solid mass builders. In fact, without them, your gains may be sluggish or even nonexistent.
These are the ones that work big time, and they’re especially critical for older bodybuilders (like us). Let’s count down our top 4 muscle-size nutrients…
#4) Tongkat Ali
This is an herb grown primarily in the Malaysian rainforests. Multiple studies show that “long jack,” as it’s called, increases libido, possibly due to jacked testosterone. With only 100 milligrams a day, a long jack group “gained more muscle and strength than the placebo group.” No report of whether any subjects lost control of their hips at the gym. We take it and can vouch for its powerful anabolic and “wood-abolic” effects. (Steve’s wife is frequently in hiding—LOL.)
#3) Vitamin D
Recent studies continue to unearth the immune-crushing effects caused by a lack of vitamin D. A recent study even links D deficiency to multiple sclerosis. Other studies have shown its positive effects on shedding body fat—which is no doubt due to its testosterone-cranking abilities. You see, vitamin D is itself a hormone that helps regulate and balance other hormones, like big T. So it’s a fat-shedding, muscle-getting powerhouse. In the winter, when you’re not out in the sun, take 2,000 to 5,000 I.U. per day. Summer time you may need less—unless you work in an office all day or happen to be a vampire.
#2) Creatine
Out of all the muscle-building supplements studied, creatine has the most positive scientific proof behind it. Studies show everything from more growth hormone release to energy to brain-firing efficiency. As for muscle, it’s most prevalent in fast-twitch muscle fibers and can make them stronger and fuller by pulling in more fluid. Talk about anabolic swole! And no need to load, as was suggested in the old days. Just take three to five grams a day and you’ll grow like never before. We like capsules, but powder is fine too. We take it right after a workout when the muscles are most receptive.
#1) Protein
You know it builds muscle, but be sure you’re using a powder that’s a mix of fast- and slow-absorbing aminos. Whey is fast, casein is slow—to trickle-feed muscle swole. That’s especially important right before bed. A recent study showed that slow-digesting protein right before you hit the hay wards off muscle breakdown as you sleep and can actually build more muscle tissue (Med Sci Sports Exerc. 44(8):1560-9. 2012). We like about 20 grams of BioTrust Low Carb protein stirred into water right before bed. And you can get a resealable pouch FREE, as you’ll see…
BioTrust Low Carb is our favorite protein because it’s all organic, made with certified hormone-free, grass-fed protein, low carb (only 8 grams per serving—sweetened with stevia) and absolutely delicious. No soy or gluten either, or GMOs or antibiotics…
PLUS, it’s the very first protein to contain ProHydrolase, a specialized enzyme blend that has been shown through research to boost protein absorption 10-fold—great news for us old guys because most of us have a harder time assimilating standard protein.
And the recent try-it-free, no-strings offer is still on. No, this is not a trick or scam—it’s simply a way for the manufacturer to get you to try it, no strings whatsoever (just pay a small shipping cost). Not kidding…
We even got our free protein because even though we already use it, we never pass up free. LOL!
After you receive your FREE pouch, NOTHING more will ever be sent to you, or charged to you, in the future. They just want you to try it for yourself, betting that you’ll love it…
Pretty incredible offer, but there’s a limited supply, so grab yours today. As we said, we use it daily because it’s ideal for health-conscious bodybuilders, especially older ones like us—and it’s delicious.
> Secure Your FREE Container NOW! (limited inventory due to so many grabbing this amazing offer)
**One free resealable pouch per household
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson