Q: I’m using the Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout, but my bodyweight is staying the same. It’s been about four weeks, and I’m getting more veins and can see more muscle definition, but the number on the scale hasn’t budged. Should I make a change or start a new workout?
A: If you’re getting more vascular with increased muscularity, you’ve reduced the subcutaneous fat which is the adipose that is just under the skin. Why hasn’t that fat loss resulted in a smaller number on the scale? Probably because you’ve gained muscle at the same time, which balanced out the fat loss…
In fact, the number on the scale may even go up as you pack on muscle and lose fat because muscle is more dense than fat. That’s the reason we suggest taking photos every few weeks…
We discuss that in the X-treme Lean ebook and show a number of our X-Rep transformation progress photos side by side, taken under the same light—like these shots of Jonathan’s back…
Remember, take your photos under the same light conditions about every two to three weeks. That will give you a much better idea of your progress than the scale. By the way, Jonathan weighed about the same in both photos above, give or take a couple of pounds—in the second he had packed on more muscle and lost fat, as you can see, so the scale didn’t move much. That’s probably what’s happening to you.
As for workout changes, yes, the muscles adapt quickly, but it sounds like you’re making good progress. We suggest you keep the program as-is for another two weeks. Continue to emphasize the negative-accentuated (NA) technique on every bodypart in the Fat-to-Muscle Workout to increase muscle trauma, which burns fat during recovery outside the gym.
For the uninitiated, the NA technique is raising the weight in about one second and lowering in six. That slow eccentric, or negative, stroke increases muscle microtrauma, which burns a lot of fat after the workout during the repair process. About six weeks with that program should be the limit, then change workouts…
A good one that will keep the fat-to-muscle effects rolling is the X-treme Lean High-Definition Workout (pages 76-78 in that ebook), which is based on postactivation, increasing blood flow and growth hormone output. GH is one heckuva fat burner, and it also increases anabolic drive, acting as a testosterone amplifier. Testosterone is a big-muscle builder, but it has also been shown to directly burn off bellyfat, especially in combination with a higher GH output. That’s a major goal of the X-treme-Lean program…
Postactivation is a big part of why this workout works. It’s a nervous-system booster that allows you to grind out more growth reps—and GH—on the second set of your big compound exercises. You accomplish that by doing a continuous-tension isolation exercise for the target muscle between sets. For example, doing leg extensions between sets of squats, with rest after each set…
The extensions produce muscle burn, which increases GH. One reason is that they block blood flow to the quads during the set so that there’s a huge influx immediately after. That skin-stretching pump provides a supersaturation effect that will boost the effectiveness of your next compound-exercise set. So after a brief rest, you do a second set of squats. Believe us, you’ll feel it working; it’s fierce fat-to-muscle efficiency of effort!
Use that X-treme Lean High-Def Workout for four to six weeks, then you can go back to The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout with it’s negative-accentuated sets and unique GH-boosting methods. That type of workout reload will create new adaptations—more GH churning and mega-fat burning, not to mention new muscle size.
NOTE: You can get all three of our best-selling fat-loss/muscle-building, abs-getting, vein-splitting ebooks together at their lowest price ever. Get the Triple-Shredded Deal with The Fat-to-Muscle Workout, X-treme Lean, and X-traordinary Abs!
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
#1 Way To Boost Testosterone and Build Lean Muscle Mass Fast
Testosterone is converted to the female hormone estrogen inside of fat tissues, so the higher amount of body fat you carry, the higher rate of this conversion (resulting in you becoming less of a man).
In addition, we know testosterone is the single greatest factor in muscle growth and fat loss, which is why so many bodybuilders take anabolic steroids.
If your testosterone levels aren’t at an optimal level, any time spent in the gym can be a waste because your body won’t be in the right anabolic environment to build muscle and burn body fat…
Go to the link below to discover the best way to fix this problem and build more muscle quickly.
>>> #1 Way To Boost Testosterone and Build Lean Muscle Mass Fast