Here’s a rare shot of an off-season Danny “Giant Killer” Padilla flexing a massive arm in the ’70s.
We’re not sure who took the photo, but it shows Danny’s awesome physique potential. His training style maxed out that potential while preserving his joints, something that’s very rare in our ego-driven sport…
It’s difficult to let go of pushing around big weights in the gym, even when you’re dealing with chronic aches and pains—which can lead to more serious damage. Muscle tears and joint surgery are a high price to pay for an admiring stare or two.
Luckily, our workouts evolved in many good way thanks to info on Danny’s training—and Vince Gironda’s methods as well. We’re still training intensely well past middle age. Steve is 62.
Padilla’s workouts were best described as “progressive muscle-fiber exhaustion” using only moderate weights. That means no hammering joints into submission with crazy poundages…
Our 4X Mass Method that we used for years, is based on Danny’s training, which was an off-shoot of Gironda’s Density Training…
It consists of moderate weights for four to five quick sets. The method is designed to gradually exhaust the various muscle fiber types due to short rests between sets.
It’s a thorough, efficient, and safer way to get total muscle growth in almost all fiber types.
The 4X method is excellent for younger trainee looking to preserve their joints as they pack on new mass, as well as for older bodybuilders who are training around aches and pains. Oh, and the pump is unreal…
Now is the perfect time to try 4X for major muscle-growth success. For loads of motivating info and programs…
The 4X Mass Workout 2.0 is available HERE.
Or for our latest favorite density method, check out STX growth-threshold tactic in our retooled ebook, that includes many mass-building home-gym workouts…
> Quick-Start Muscle-Building Guide 2.0 is available HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
Mass-Building Lessons From the Master Trainer
Vince Gironda was the Iron Guru, a bodybuilding legend ahead of his time. His most famous pupil in the bodybuilding world was the very first Mr. Olympia Larry Scott, and he also trained many Hollywood stars back in the day, like Clint Eastwood, and even Arnold consulted with him and was a fan (even though Vince told Arnold that he was a “fat f**k” when he first arrived in the U.S.).
Many of Vince’s mass-building tricks and methods have been forgotten, buried by information and misinformation overload on the Internet, but now you can find them all, his true methods, in this must-have, 330-page Vince Gironda e-book anthology…
You get everything from “Train 21 Rest 7” to 10-8-6-15 to Vince’s Stone Age Nutrition, the 8×8 method and program and much, much more (remember, it’s 330 pages). And it’s on sale at a discount for a limited time: Simply use the code GIRONDA20 at checkout for an extra 20 percent off.
Vince Gironda: Legend & Myth (300-page anthology + many bonus gifts and programs) HERE