In the new Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook, Steve outlines how he used 12-to-14-hour fasts a few days a week to get ripped in 10 weeks.
From mid-June to the end of August 2021, he hunkered down, muscled up, and leaned out.
Here are the shots from the new page that show his transformation:
He discontinued his fasting days at the end of August—but he noticed something very interesting…
He continued to stay lean with visible abs and vascularity almost until Thanksgiving. HIs friends noticed too…
That’s another 10 weeks. Why?
He continued with his 35-minute workouts three days a week along with his twice-weekly runs, but his calories increased significantly.
We think the reason his body continued in the lean-machine zone was due to key benefits of intermittent fasting listed in that ebook, including…
- Optimizes anabolic and fat-burning hormones, like testosterone, thyroid hormones, and growth hormone
- Rejuvenates hormones and cells
- Normalizes insulin levels
- Accelerates cell repair and makes it more efficient
All of the above is also why many researchers contend that fasting slows aging.
And all of the above have a significant post-fasting muscle-building and lean-preserving after-effect.
In other words, you maintain your conditioning for weeks or even months after your “diet” is done. Nice.
There are many other health benefits of 12-to-14-hour fasts a few days a week. And it’s not that hard compared to daily torturous-grind diets.
We suggest you give it a try…
You’ve got nothing to lose, except dangerous body fat, and plenty of muscle and health to gain.
If you want more of Steve’s story, go HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
New Release…
For a limited time, you can get the brand-new Old Man, Young Muscle at 25% off (introductory price)
PLUS you’ll get the Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook F-R-E-E
That’s a two-days-a-week, shred-your-physique eating plan that can recharge your anabolic environment, build more muscle, and melt body fat (see Steve’s photo on the cover).
Check it all out HERE