Q: I remember that you and Jonathan liked V-handle pull-ups for lats when you were writing for Iron Man. What’s your take on them now? Do you still use them as an add-on exercise?
A: The closest my bum shoulder will get to a V-handle pull-up is a separate-handle under-grip pulldown on my functional cable unit.
With the separate handles, my hands can move freely without any pain…
If you’re strong—and young with good shoulder mobility—V-handle pull-ups can provide excellent lat stretch at the bottom and a good contraction at the top; however…
Keep in mind that the resistance curve is ass-backward—it’s way too hard at the top contracted position…
If you want to use it as an add-on for lat stretch, just do the bottom half of the stroke—not need to struggle to the top of each rep…
Or do a few full reps and end with half reps and then X-Reps—shorter-range partials at the bottom.
But stay in control—no jerking or “kipping”—and don’t relax your shoulders or you could damage the joint. Also, watch your head.
Sculpt your perfect physique: Get the ideal exercise for each muscle, the best add-on moves for ultimate mass, complete 35-minute workouts, exercise start/finish photos, and details on building muscle fast and efficiently in Old Man, Young Muscle.
And you still get The Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook FREE for a limited time when you add Old Man, Young Muscle to your mass-building library. Go HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
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