This week’s quote comes from an Olympic coach and hypertrophy expert, the late Charles Poliquin—who had a damn good physique for an older guy, by the way…
Athletes must understand that the nervous system can take five to six times longer to recover than the muscular system.
That means you need to do your best to balance the stress on each so that the recovery time for your muscles and nervous system are more equal…
Too much volume or too many sets to failure will hammer your nervous system…
When that happens, it won’t be recovered by your next workout when the muscles are ready…
And a depleted nervous system will short-circuit your ability to optimally fire muscle fibers…
This goes perfectly with a quote from eight-time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney: “Stimulate, don’t annihilate.”
Sculpt your perfect physique: Get the ideal exercise for each muscle, the best stretch and contracted add-on moves for ultimate mass, complete 35-minute workouts, exercise start/finish photos, and details on building muscle fast and efficiently in Old Man, Young Muscle.
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Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman
Former Editor in Chief, Iron Man Magazine
Use Bodyweight Training to Build Mass
One way you’re guaranteed to pack on stacks of muscle is through a process called muscle protein synthesis (MPS), which more than doubles 24 hours after an intense workout…
Until recently, MPS was only elevated when trainees would lift 70-90% of their one-rep max…
That’s not only dangerous for your joints, but it also sets you up for high injury risk every time you exercise…
It used to be believed that training with your own bodyweight couldn’t get you the same results as training with your 70-90% one rep max… Until NOW.