Even at only 5’2”, Danny Padilla was still one of the greatest bodybuilders of the Golden Era. Here he is, looking like the perfect Tesla hood ornament. Elon?
Seriously, Padilla is a bodybuilding legend, vanquishing much larger bodybuilders way back in the ‘70s (was that 50 years ago? Holy sh#t)…
And his training style made that possible without injury. It created big pumps, as he packed on mass and maxed out his genetic potential without turning his joints to inflamed pain portals…
Yes, it’s difficult to let go of pushing around huge weights in the gym, but Padilla knew instinctively that heavy joint pounding can lead to serious, lasting damage. He was more about coaxing growth…
Even with his moderate-poundage approach, he still built plenty of jaw-dropping mass…
Thanks to talking with someone who trained with Danny, as well as our discussions with another legend, Vince Gironda, our workouts evolved away from joint-jarring weights…
And we’re still training with density for muscle immensity well past middle age. Steve is 63, Jonathan almost 50.
Padilla’s workouts were best described as “progressive muscle-fiber exhaustion” with moderate weights. His training influenced our STX method, a somewhat more efficient—in our opinion—slow-twitch-exhaustion method that’s based on Brazilian research (see the new ebook)
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
3 Workouts a Week, 35 Minutes Each for Jacked Mass
The Efficient, Safe Way to Grow
No Matter What Your Age
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That’s a two-days-a-week, shred-your-physique eating plan that can recharge your anabolic environment, build more muscle, and melt body fat (Steve’s photo on the cover shows his results).
Check it all out HERE