Q: I was wondering about Brignole squat [a.k.a. cable squat]. Do you think they are as good or better than sissy squats for quad mass?
A: Doug always said the cable squat was in the ideal category, but I disagree…
While the quads are the prime mover, the glutes are still involved—just not as much as in a regular back squat…
Butt inclusion is not a bad thing necessarily, as I explain in the “synergy” section of Old Man, Young Muscle.
It is a good mass-building add-on exercise; however, the sissy squat is by far the better choice as your ideal to emphasize…
There is absolutely no glute involvement, so it’s all quads. Plus, you get more quad stretch due to the torso and thighs staying on the same plane—no bend at the waist.
I almost always do sissies first, as they are the true ideal exercise. Usually two sets. Then I do cable squats…
What about dumbbell squats as shown in OMYM? I’ve re-christened them as an add-on exercise for glutes, but I still do them as in OMYM: a Speed Set, which means 1.5-second reps…
So the same parameters as in the OMYM workout, only I move it further down in the workout.
The DB squat is a great glute rounder—and some residual quad work is always good for old guys with dwindling thighs.
Your Efficient Mass-Building Handbook: For complete mass workouts that include Speed Sets, the ideal exercise for each muscle, and the best stretch and contracted add-on moves, get your copy of Old Man, Young Muscle.
And you still get The Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook FREE for a limited time when you add Old Man, Young Muscle to your mass-building library. Go HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman
Former Editor in Chief, Iron Man Magazine
Lemons & Masculinity
If you’re a man over the age of 40, then pay attention…
Today’s man (that’s you) is under attack from multiple angles—you’re being told that being a MAN is no longer allowed, and the foods and drinks you’re enjoying are slowly and effectively stripping away your manhood, leaving you with:
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- Decreased sex-drive and E.D. problems
- Trouble sleeping
- Depression
- Lack of confidence
- Joint and muscle pain
- Risk of an early and painful death
- And just not feeling like a man anymore
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