Q: I’ve seen the study that showed more triceps growth from overhead extensions [a stretch exercise] compared to pushdowns [contracted-position emphasis]. Do you think it matters whether I do the overheads with a bar, dumbbells, or rope attached to a cable? I want the best version for the most gain. Efficiency of effort.
A: The study did find the overhead extension better than pushdowns for triceps mass; however, that just shows that a stretch move is better than a contracted one…
The ideal exercise is a lying triceps extension, or skull crusher, preferably on a slight decline. The overhead extensions and pushdowns are what I define as add-on moves in Old Man, Young Muscle…
For the most size, you should emphasize the ideal for each muscle, in this case dumbbell decline extensions. Then use one of the other “missing position” exercises as your add-on for another layer of mass.
Even so, it does show the hypertrophic power of stretch loading. So you’ll probably want to choose overhead extensions most of the time as your add on; however, both exercises have benefits, with studies showing unique growth in different areas of the target muscle from each.
As for whether a bar, dumbbells, or a rope attached to a cable is better, I favor the cable for a few reasons…
1) The weight-stack drag on the cable reduces the damage from the negative stroke, what I refer to as garbage negatives.
2) You still have some resistance at the top of the stroke with a cable—with a bar or dumbbells, the resistance is zero at the top.
3) The line of pull is better due to your hands being able to come together at the bottom and drive up and and out.
As a personal preference, I like to sit on an incline bench set at almost vertical so the resistance is slightly back, not straight down.
That relieves pressure on my elbows at the bottom to a degree.
Cable overhead extension with a rope attachment play a major role in my triceps training in an attempt to stretch the sleeves of my T-shirts…
Give them a try for more sweep and size.
Your Efficient Mass-Building Handbook: For complete mass workouts that include Speed Sets, the ideal exercise for each muscle, and the best stretch and contracted add-on moves, get your copy of Old Man, Young Muscle.
And you still get The Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook FREE for a limited time when you add Old Man, Young Muscle to your mass-building library. Go HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman
Former Editor in Chief, Iron Man Magazine
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