You may have seen the clip of a Joe Rogan podcast during which he showed a photo of himself and Jeff Bezos, both looking muscular.
Rogan said that he and Bezos are absolutely on “testosterone replacement,” or HRT—which is basically steroids (synthetic T).
Rogan is 56. Bezos is 59. Rogan said that after 50, your testosterone plummets, which means if you want to look healthy and muscular, you must use testosterone.
Hmm. I would say FALSE. Bezos has not said he uses testosterone replacement. And perhaps he is. After all, he used to look like this…
Still, if he’s working out correctly—emphasizing the ideal exercises—and not overtraining, which smothers your own testosterone production, he could look that muscular as he approaches 60 without it…
It’s really not that hard, especially with a gorgeous girlfriend like Lauren Sanchez who no doubt has a T-raising effect. That’s her in the pic above. She used to be a local news anchor here, which is one reason I was always up on current events…
Since I have 50 years of training experience with only a few weeks of Dianabol use back in my 20s, I think I come from a place of knowledge and experience…
And I’m also self-centered enough to prove it with another photo of myself from a month ago, age 64—NO STEROIDS or HRT or trick photography (Photoshop, etc.)…
The secret? None. Just smart, efficient training and proper diet.
I emphasize the ideal exercises, use some strategic add-on moves and train intensely with weights three days a week for 40 minutes per workout.
Eating a few eggs every week helps. No, I’m not huge by bodybuilding standards, but I had my testosterone measured in April, and it was 702, which is fairly high for an old guy.
Again, no drugs or hormones whatsoever—just smart training and eating with a laser focus on complete recovery and minimizing damage as I age.
If I’m doing it naturally in my 60s, maybe Bezos is too—a big “maybe,” but it’s possible with an efficient mass-building strategy—like Old Man, Young Muscle (shameless plug).
Tomorrow I’ll have brand-new eye-opening info on proper training, a big key to optimize your mass gaining.
Your Efficient Mass-Building Handbook: For complete mass workouts that include Speed Sets, the ideal exercise for each muscle, and the best stretch and contracted add-on moves, get your copy of Old Man, Young Muscle.
And you still get The Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook FREE for a limited time when you add Old Man, Young Muscle to your mass-building library. Go HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman
Former Editor in Chief, Iron Man Magazine
Yes, it is possible to simultaneously build muscle while losing fat…
The right form of intermittent fasting will help you gain more muscle while you burn fat…
That’s because it supercharges your anabolic environment, including testosterone and growth hormone production.
According to Dr. Michael Mosley, it results in “better metabolic adaptations, improved muscle-protein synthesis and a higher anabolic response to post-exercise feedings.” [J App Phys., Jan. 2011: 236-45]
Proper fasting will NOT have you burning muscle—just the opposite as your body fat decreases and your testosterone and growth hormone increase. [Webber, J., et al. (1994). Br J Nutr.]
Still on the fence? Our friend Shaun Hadsall used an approach similar to how The Rock does it, which is explained in the new 1-Day Hormone Reset protocol, developed specifically for the over-40 crowd (women use it too, as you’ll see). Check out his results at the link below…
–> Your anabolic hormone RESET to melt fat, build muscle, and slow aging