In the last training newsletter, I was discussing my fireman son-in-law’s circuit workout and how he—and you—could use that idea with the OMYM workout…
He takes a handful of exercises and moves from one to the other with very little rest. Then he takes a brief break, and hits those same exercises again and so on for multiple rounds…
He’s not really implementing the short-rest/long-rest idea because he’s doing only one set of each exercise before moving on. So it’s long rest only…
To make it more hypertrophy oriented and get both long and short rests, I suggested he try STX on the ideal exercises in circuit style.
So if he starts with chest, he would use dumbbell decline presses…
The weight would allow him 15 to 20 reps with a 1/3 tempo. Rest 20 seconds, then he’d use the same weight for a Speed Set—1.5 seconds per rep…
That gives him a short-rest effect for chest. Now he rests another 20 to 30 seconds and does the ideal move for mid-back—and so on for all the muscles he’s working that day…
If he’s following the Old Man, Young Muscle protocol, upper-body day is chest, back, shoulders, triceps, biceps…
After he gets through all of those ideal exercises with two-set STX on each, he can attack round 2 in one of three ways…
1) Use the two-set STX method again on all of the ideal exercises
2) Do only one set of each ideal exercise
3) Use one or two sets of an add-on exercise for each muscle
Choice three would make it more interesting and provide variation in fiber recruitment, which can boost the hypertrophy effects…
So for chest on round 2 he might choose dumbbell flyes, a stretch-position exercise; for back maybe some type of row and so on…
The key is that on round 2 he picks a different exercise than the ideal for each muscle.
I’m hoping he’ll give it a go, but it usually takes lots of convincing to get these young whipper snappers to embrace geezer wisdom.
Your Efficient Mass-Building Handbook: For complete mass workouts that include Speed Sets, the ideal exercise for each muscle, and the best stretch and contracted add-on moves, get your copy of Old Man, Young Muscle.
And you still get The Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook FREE for a limited time when you add Old Man, Young Muscle to your mass-building library. Go HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
Yes, it is possible to simultaneously build muscle while losing fat…
The right form of intermittent fasting will help you gain more muscle while you burn fat…
That’s because it supercharges your anabolic environment, including testosterone and growth hormone production.
According to Dr. Michael Mosley, it results in “better metabolic adaptations, improved muscle-protein synthesis and a higher anabolic response to post-exercise feedings.” [J App Phys., Jan. 2011: 236-45]
Proper fasting will NOT have you burning muscle—just the opposite as your body fat decreases and your testosterone and growth hormone increase. [Webber, J., et al. (1994). Br J Nutr.]
Still on the fence? Our friend Shaun Hadsall used an approach similar to how The Rock does it, which is explained in the new 1-Day Hormone Reset protocol, developed specifically for the over-40 crowd (women use it too, as you’ll see). Check out his results at the link below…
–> Your anabolic hormone RESET to melt fat, build muscle, and slow aging