In 2021, Doug and I were going back and forth about workout volume. I suggested that he still may be doing too much with his 7 sets—30 reps down to 8-10…
I explained how I was making stellar progress using only 3 or 4. I even contrasted his workout time with mine in Old Man Young Muscle. Here’s what I wrote…
My latest workouts have made it more possible at my age to look like an older drug-free bodybuilder with less time in the gym than I ever imagined—35 minutes three times a week, using a two-way split—that is, upper body at one workout and lower the next. Doug Brignole, on the other hand, uses workouts lasting 1 1/2 to two hours five days a week…So at the moment, I work out for a total of less than two hours a week; Doug’s weekly total is around 7 hours.
I was having trouble convincing Doug, but then research emerged that showed 4 intense sets appeared to be the ceiling—after that it was just junk volume for most trainees with very little hypertrophic stimulation…
I say “most” because some can tolerate more and still progress nicely; however, Doug and I were in our 60s. Hypertrophy researcher Chris Beardsley agreed…
So Doug finally decided to experiment. Here’s what he said in an email to me…
I have just started experimenting with 3 sets per muscle group. I decided it was time because I was feeling a bit of dread for my next workout. Now the workouts are over more quickly, and I conserve energy, which can then be used for recovery. It feels great. I’m actually eager for my next workout.
Later he said in an interview that he wished he had pulled back to three sets much sooner because he was growing faster than he ever had with less volume (photos of Doug in the next training newsetter)…
His reps were usually 30, 20, 10—adding weight. Remember, he was alternating an exercise for an opposing body-part, like chest with back or bi’s with tri’s.
Also, he mentioned that he sometimes went to four sets—30, 20, 15, 12 reps. But usually it was only three. I told him I also did four occasionally…
You may have noticed that his reps per set all stay in double digits. His comment: “In my experience, I’ve never produced as much muscle growth with sets of 6 to 8 as I have with sets of 10, 15 and even 30 reps. Not even close.”
Even with higher reps and opposing-muscle supersets, his workout time was drastically reduced to an hour or less—still somewhat longer than my 35-minute “density” workouts. At least our set totals for each muscle were converging nicely…
What about training to failure? I’ll delve into that in the next newsletter.
Note: For info on Doug’s Build & Burn program, go here:
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
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