Here’s a rare photo of Franco and Arnold on the beach when they first arrived in America, trying to convince a couple into adopting them.
Okay, that’s actually Joe Weider and his wife Betty, no doubt on the beach with the Dynamic Duo to supervise a photo shoot for a Weider product—like the stylish Power Bracelets…
But back to Franco Columbu. He was only 5’5” tall and won the Mr. Olympia twice, in 1976 and 1981, at a competitive bodyweight of around 180 pounds…
His muscle density, split pecs, and lat spread were especially jaw dropping…
And he was incredibly strong. His best verified powerlifting poundages were astounding:
Squat, 507 pounds
Bench press, 408 pounds
Deadlift, 595 pounds.
Arnold said that his friend Franco was stronger than he was, even though the Oak outweighed him by 50 pounds.
Franco passed away in 2019 at the age of 78 in Italy after feeling unwell. But his legendary physique and strength feats live on—not to mention his heart-felt camaraderie with Arnold.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
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