Trainees have asked…
Why not do all sets in speed style—1.5-second reps—if that produces the least damage and activates fast-twitch fibers from the first rep?
A good question. Here’s why…
1) You need a normal 1/3 tempo on the first 15-rep set to warm-up the target muscle and get an effective fiber-array cascade, with fast-twitch at the end (the second STX phase is speed, as shown in OMYM2)
2) Your add-on exercise may be a stretch-position move; those are more dangerous and require a slower cadence (1/3 or 2/3)
3) If your add-on exercise is a contracted-position move, it helps to feel the muscle, especially at the flex point, for fiber activation and building more neuromuscular efficiency (better nerve force) for all exercises
4) A slower eccentric, or negative, stroke causes more damage; however, that can enhance fat-burning.
Number 4 is somewhat controversial, but here’s what respected researcher Jerry Brainum said…
The repair of the damage leads to biochemical changes that result in a higher resting metabolic rate.
It makes sense that your body would need to work harder to heal the excess trauma, and that requires energy…
That may be a big reason why interval cardio shows better fat-burning effects than steady-state cardio—there’s more damage from high-intensity interval training, and that requires more calories to repair.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
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