Are low-rep sets (6-8) better than higher-rep sets (10-20) for hypertrophy?
You’ve no doubt seen the studies showing equal gains from both—if the intensity is high (near failure)…
And some say that higher-rep sets cause more muscle damage than lower-rep sets, which is debatable…
Even if that’s true, heavy low-rep sets cause more damage to tendons and ligaments. And due to impaired blood flow, those can take longer to repair than muscle tissue…
So both high reps and low reps appear to affect recovery equally. In fact, if tendons and ligaments take longer, perhaps low-rep sets are more damaging overall.
But there is a real benefit to higher reps and “the pump” they produce: building the mitochondria.
From “Known as the ‘powerhouses of the cell,’ mitochondria produce then energy necessary for the cell’s survival and functioning…they breakdown glucose into an energy molecule known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is used to fuel various other cellular processes.”
You probably know that creatine works because it heightens ATP usage in the muscles.
A few higher-rep sets can enhance your muscle size and efficiency by increasing mitochondrial number and density.
PLUS: The vitality and health of your mitochondria are closely linked to longevity and modulating the aging process…
If you want to age gracefully, build muscle better, and never have to shop for a walker, keep some high-rep sets in your workout…
As in 15 to 20 reps on your first phase of your STX Old Man Young Muscle workout. Young Muscle indeed.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
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