In the previous training newsletter, I was answering a question from a 40-year-old trainee who wanted to know how I’d train heavy if I were younger…
In hindsight, I probably wouldn’t—but he mentioned only doing it for six-week phases a few times a year. I can understand that. Just be careful and keep your ego in check…
Remember, we’re talking training heavy for muscle, not powerlifting. Training for max strength takes heavy training most of the time and developing skill in the 3 lifts. That produces some muscle as a side-effect but is much more dangerous…
Back to safer muscle-building with heavier loads…
This will no doubt fall on deaf ears, I don’t recommend many of the big compound moves, like barbell back squats, regular deadlifts, or overhead presses. Include them at your own risk…
Mr. America and biomechanics expert Doug Brignole would agree with the exclusion—as would my jacked up back and shoulder…
Which brings us to “Overload STX Mass Method.” You still use a higher-rep set first; however, it should not be all out as with moderate-weight STX. You’re using it as a warmup ONLY…
Set 1: OSTX warmup 1 x 12-15, tempo 2/2
Rest 1 minute
Set 2: OSTX work set 1 x 7, tempo 1/2
Rest 2 to 3 minutes
Set 3: OSTX work set, 1 x 5, tempo 1/2
The warmup weight should have you reach 12 to 15 reps easily—three to four reps before failure. Use a controlled tempo: 2-second positive, 2-second negative—feel the target muscle…
As for your two work sets, stop them 2 reps shy of failure. Tempo is 1-second semi-explosive positive, 2-second controlled negative.
Keep in mind that the longer rests will take your workouts closer to an hour, so you can decide which muscles to include the add-on exercise.
Apply the above 3-set protocol to the Never Stop Growing STX Workout on pages 40-44, ideal exercises only. If you include an add-on exercise for a muscle, do only one set for 8 to 10 reps, stopping one rep short of failure.
Remember: Be careful—don’t sacrifice your form to use more weight (ego lifting).
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
The brand new Never Stop Growing is here—guaranteed to get your workouts into major mass-building mode.
It’s the result of a multiple-year dialogue that resulted in key training tactics that crated stunning gains for us both.
Here are a few of the chapters…
- Mr. America’s TORQ Training: A look at Doug’s early Tension Overload Repetition Quantity method
- Less Volume, More Muscle: The precise amount of science-backed training you need for optimal hypertrophy
- Reduce Intensity for More Immensity: How many sets you should push to all-out muscular failure for maximum growth
- Size Surge With Less Fatigue: Why corralling muscle fatigue is the ultimate growth effect
- More or Less Rest Between Sets for Mass: Innovative ways you can combine powerful methods for hyper hypertrophy
- The Ultimate Mass Workout: This precision mass-training program features a full-page photo representation of each workout
- Rotation for Recuperation: A unique retro split method to coax more growth from each of your workouts—developed and used by champion ‘70s bodybuilder Frank Calta
PLUS: For a limited time, you get The Ultimate Mass Workout Reloaded absolutely FREE
It features the stealth “reload” method, a unique way to quickly bring up specific muscles.
You also get the amazing New Wave Full-Body Workout, an innovative take on whole-body training.
For more information on Never Stop Growing and The Ultimate Mass Workout Reloaded, go HERE.