I recently reconnected with an old friend who works out regularly. He asked about the latest ebooks and which one he should get. I said all of them…
Seriously, I told him it depends on available equipment, training preferences, etc. Here are summaries of the latest releases (#3 is the newest)…
1) Old Man Young Muscle. This chronicles my shocking gains the first year emphasizing the ideal exercises with Slow-Twitch Exhaustion (STX). “Shocking” because I had to train in my bare-bones home gym—50-pound selectorized dumbbells, an adjustable bench, and a doorway chinning bar. The workout is all dumbbells and freehand moves, but you can do it in a commercial gym as well. These workouts take 35 minutes 3 days a week and include Positions-of-Flexion exercises to train muscles with unique torque curves for variation in fiber recruitment and faster growth. Also included: key muscle-building supplements, the Anabolic Smoothie recipe, and the ranked POF Exercise List. Bonus ebook: The Muscle-On Belly-Gone “Diet”: How to eat and implement intermittent fasting a few days a week to get ripped. More info HERE.
2) Old Man Young Muscle 2. Most chapters begin with a hypertrophy research study that helped retool the STX workouts, which now includes a functional cable machine (big purchase but worth it). Workouts are 35 to 40 minutes each 3 days a week using an upper-body/lower-body split—5 minutes per muscle for total growth stimulation with cables plus dumbbells. You’ll need a commercial gym if you don’t own a functional cable unit—but even if you don’t, you’ll learn the latest on building maximum muscle. Also included: Updated and Expanded Ideal Exercise list, how to use X-Reps (end-of-set partials) for new gains, and muscle-damage control tactics. Bonus ebook: The Ultimate-Mass Exercise Guide: Tips and tricks to get the most out of the ultimate mass-building moves and unique exercises—start/finish photos included. More info HERE.
3) Never Stop Growing. You get an inside look at the evolution and research behind training for ultimate muscle growth—direct from my correspondence with biomechanics expert and Mr. America Doug Brignole. Email excerpts are in every chapter as he and I honed our workouts over two years before his death, merging muscle-building ideas, research, and methods. You’ll also see how he was training in his 50s and the evolution of his TORQ method. The final ultimate hypertrophy workout has both STX training and Doug’s opposing-muscle supersets. You can use the STX workouts or the superset workouts alone, but alternating them gives you the most change to gain. Also included: How to use Rotation for Recuperation, a unique retro recovery method to coax more growth from each of your workouts—developed and used by champion ‘70s bodybuilder Frank Calta. Bonus ebook: The Ultimate Mass Workout Reloaded: How to apply the Stealth Frequency Method to produce a size surge in lagging muscles. Plus, The New Wave Full-Body Workout, a unique approach to whole-body training that has you prioritize half your body at each of two different A & B workouts. More info HERE.
NOTE: You can get #1 and #2 above together plus bonuses and save $10. Go HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.