Build Eye-Popping Bi’s and Tri’s – Attention-grabbing Arm Size
X-traordinary Arms offers routines to pack your bi’s and tri’s with size, plus the 3D HIT Workout that gets every muscle group growing.
The research-based programs in X-traordinary Arms show you how to choose specific exercises to affect different areas of the biceps and triceps, igniting the fullest muscle-size gains possible (based on MRI studies). There are precise programs for biceps and triceps width, so your arms look like 20-pound hams hanging down by your sides, and there are different biceps and triceps programs for peak and sweep. Get gargantuan guns from every angle!
X-traordinary Arms for Sleeve-Busting Size
Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson have made sure that every angle is covered so your guns look loaded when they’re down and relaxed or up and flexed. Each program is quick with just four to six sets of smart-bomb muscle building. Each program in X-traordinary Arms also includes X Reps, but at specific spots on the stroke of certain exercises for special size effects—peak, width or sweep (great new info!). Plus, there are loads of inspiring photos, a big-arms Q&A section, and you get the new complete printable 3D HIT program, with the X-Arm routines plugged in, so it’s more than just arm training to get you gaining
This e-book has everything you need to attack your arm training in ways you’ve never thought of. Pick up your X-traordinary Arms e-book now so you can turn your guns into cannons!