A: That’s a solid routine, but training the whole body with the best compound exercises, even if it’s only with a couple of sets, along with X Reps can be taxing. It’s not for every body. That’s why we provide alternatives, like a three-day version and a four-day version, with some of the workouts lasting only 35 minutes or so. You said you can only train two days a week, however, so those aren’t options for you.
Here’s a better alternative to simply cutting the sets: Try the drop-set technique with X Reps so that within the one set you’re actually doing two in less time. For example, on incline presses, do a set to failure, finish the set with X Reps at the appropriate position, then reduce the weight to a poundage that allows about six hard reps. You’ll be doing about the same amount of work in less time, which is a classic intensity amplification technique for mass building. You can do that on as many exercises as you want, doing one X-Rep drop set instead of two straight sets. That should reduce your workout time considerably, have you feeling less drained and may even produce better results!