Q: After your recent newsletters on rest weeks, add-on exercises, and recovery, I’m starting to wonder if I’m doing too much to grow. I just turned 50 and am a hardgainer, more so than yourself. Do you think I would do better with just a few sets of the ideal exercise for each muscle, not doing any add-on exercises? [Read more…]
New Back-Mass Add-On Move
A few newsletters ago I mentioned the middle traps’ line of pull as it relates to fiber direction…
Most of the mid-back fibers run upward at a steep angle. I won’t show the cadaver photo again; I’ll use an intricate graphic instead: \\ // [Read more…]
Cardio Add-On for More Mass
In my discussion on cardio work yesterday, I forgot to mention a minor detail that may enhance hypertrophy…
It’s my cardio add-on, a brief stretching routine for my lower body after both of my sessions each week. [Read more…]
Ab-Etching Add-On
My go-to ab-etching ideal move is the crunch—but on an incline. No, not with my head at the lower end, but at the top—like this… [Read more…]
1 Exercise Per Muscle for Ultimate Mass?
I’ve been asked why I use add-on moves after the ideal exercise for each muscle, while Mr. America/Mr. Universe Doug Brignole only does the ideal exercise and nothing more… [Read more…]