In the last newsletter, I discussed Doug’s training back in the early 2000s, specifically his use of antagonist supersets—alternating sets between opposing muscles, like biceps and triceps or chest and back… [Read more…]
Mini-Max Mass Method: Blow up lagging muscle groups
Q: I train each muscle once a week with about 15 sets. I got some good gains when I first switched to it, but I seem to have stalled due to some lagging muscle groups. Should I swap in new exercises or what? I don’t really want to change my split [training each muscle once a week].
A: Well, how about working some muscles once a week with your normal 15 sets, then do a second “mini” workout during the week? It’s a great mini-max strategy for major muscle gains…
For example, take your two worst lagging muscle groups and add a second mini-workout for each later in the week. Just add it to the end of one of your other workouts. The mini should take you only an extra 10 to 15 minutes…
Say you work quads on Monday with your 15 sets. On Thursday, after your arm workout, tack on a mini-quad attack. You can use any of the mini routines in the MMX Fast Mega-Mass e-book…
For example, you no doubt did squats at your major workout, so your mini could be leg extensions supersetted with sissy squats. Notice that you do both exercises at the same station, and with only two to three rounds, it will take you about 10 minutes.
Or, if you’re more of a masochist and used free-bar squats at your main quad workout, how about hitting the Smith machine for your mini. You could do feet-forward front squats to get at hams and quad for five reps. Then rack it, set the bar on your shoulders and do regular Smith squats with your feet under your hips. Talk about major quad growth burn. Two rounds will take you 10 minutes or less.
Other options from the MMX e-book include antagonist supersets, one-exercise rest/pause or Progressive-Speed 6X (different rep tempos over six quick sets), and even 10×10 (grueling—not for those who can’t stand the pain of muscle burn).
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
One Hormone Trick That Will DOUBLE Your Fat Loss
Don’t follow another fat-loss strategy until you’ve read this…
If you’re struggling to burn belly fat no matter how much cardio you do or how “clean” you eat, then listen up… Because you’re likely committing one of these 3 feminizing fat loss fails… And they’re killing any chance you have of achieving your most impressive physique to date.
Even though these 3 Feminizing Fat Loss Fails have probably been a part of your fat-loss programs in the past, here’s the good news… They don’t have to define your fitness journey anymore because…
Starting today, you can take a revolutionary new approach to getting lean without damaging your metabolism, shriveling up your male hormones, or spending endless hours on the treadmill…”
–> Click here to discover the hormone trick that will turn your body into a fat-burning furnace.