This is a great photo of Lee Haney flexing at the beach. He’s a tad smooth, but what magnificent lines and symmetry—small waist, wide shoulders, flared quads… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 74: Mike Mentzer Beach Mass
This impressive shot of Mike Mentzer was taken by Wayne Gallasch on a beach in Australia. It really captures Mike’s herculean mass that captivated the bodybuilding world back in the 1970s… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 49: Mike Mentzer, Beach Freak
This John Balik photo of Mike Mentzer is insane—serious freak on the beach and one of the best pics of Mike we’ve ever seen… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 12: Zane on the Beach
We’ve both lived in a beach town—Steve still does—and nothing fuels workouts more than summertime near the ocean. You know you’re going to be hitting the sand (or lake or pool) more than a few times, so you better be hitting the gym hard. [Read more…]
Get More Muscle Detail
Q: I’ve been on one your four-days-a-week Heavy/Light Program, and I’ve put on lots of
A: First, you need to clean up your diet. If you don’t have a fast metabolism, which it sounds like you don’t, you’ll also need to start doing some cardio if you want to see more muscle detail; however, if you’ve been following our newsletters for a while, you know there are ways you can change your weight workout so that you burn more fat during recovery (and you won’t need as much cardio)…
[Read more…]Drop Fat Like a Bad Habit
Q: I’m looking to drop fat like a bad habit. My question is, what’s the difference between your X-treme Lean e-book and The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout? Is one better than the other for my goals?
A: The simple answer is that X-treme Lean contains more diet and nutrition info while The Ultimate Fat to Muscle Workout is more about the right type of training to max out fat loss as you gain muscle mass… [Read more…]