In the last training newsletter I recommended the full Positions-of-Flexion workout from the Exercise Guide for someone who is in their 40s or younger with average or above average recovery ability. [Read more…]
“You Flip-Flopped on Overhead Presses”
Q: I notice that you have overhead presses in The Ultimate-Mass Exercise Guide. I thought they were dangerous and damaging to the shoulder joint. Why did you flip-flop?
A: It’s only half a flip-flop. Let me explain… [Read more…]
7-Minute Cannonball-Delt Workout
Old Man Young Muscle 2 has spawned questions, like: How can you completely train a muscle for mass in less than 10 minutes? [Read more…]
I Was Wrong on Overhead Press (kind of)
I’ve been on Team Brignole for awhile, bashing the overhead press as a shoulder-joint killer… [Read more…]
Middle-Delt Mass Workout
In the past few newsletters, I’ve had a few eye-opening quotes from hypertrophy researcher Chris Beardsley on the middle-delt heads…
To summarize, he said that while it’s common to divide the deltoid into three heads, it’s really seven divisions. He followed that up by saying that exercise variety is needed for full, complete development. [Read more…]
2 New Moves for Middle-Delt Mass
Yesterday, I shit-canned a few exercises for the middle-delt head, including standing or seated lateral raises, overhead presses, and, for the most part, upright rows.
The ideal exercise, with the most mass punch for the side head, is the one-arm cable lateral with pulley set at just below waist height. However… [Read more…]
Arnold’s Shredded Shoulders
Q: You mentioned that Arnold liked a seated cable lateral. Did he do them sitting on the floor? Why not just do them standing?
A: He actually did them sitting on a low stool. He could probably tell by feel that the low position put him at a better height for an ideal resistance curve than doing them standing when the pulley is set near the floor… [Read more…]
New Shoulder Size Hercules Style
In my rants about physique aesthetics and symmetry, I referenced Steve Reeves a few times… [Read more…]
New Shoulder Size (photos)
A few weeks, ago I mentioned that I was adding a contracted-position exercise for my medial-delt head at every upper-body workout… [Read more…]
Unique Shoulder-Size Exercise
Yesterday I discussed the one-arm cable delt pull, a hybrid front raise-lateral raise with a low cable.
I’m experimenting with it as an add-on move after the ideal medial-head exercise, striving for new shoulder roundness and fullness.
It puts the medial head in the high contracted position similar to [Read more…]