It’s obvious that extending sets with forced and negative reps crushes the nervous system and can derail muscle gains—if you’re not on drugs… [Read more…]
Grow Muscle Faster With Extended Sets?
Q: You’ve said forced and negatives reps at the end of a set can kill muscle growth. But didn’t that work for [Mike] Mentzer to make his short workouts better, and isn’t your [end-of-set] X-Reps similar? [Read more…]
Wicked-Awesome Muscle-Mass Tips
Q: X-Reps are giving me some wicked-awesome mass gains. The extra pump and burn I get from [those end-of-set partials] is hot! But I was thinking that since they work so well, how about using only the short X-Rep range for all of my sets, without any full-range reps? Wouldn’t that give me some giant mass gains?
A: We first addressed X-Only sets in the X-Rep Update #1 e-book and even included a chapter on former Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler’s workout, which includes a lot of X-Only sets. Check out his X-Only Hammer Strength machine inclines (photos courtesy of Mitsuru Okabe)… [Read more…]
X-infused Size Surge
Q: First, thank you for the Size Surge Workout program. I’ve gained seven solid pounds on it, and I’m not done yet. I may get 10 pounds after it’s all over. My question is, Can I do it again right away? I’ve read some of your other X-Rep e-books and would like to try an X-infused Size Surge the second time around to make it more intense and add more mass. Any suggestions in that area?
A: In our 3D Muscle Building e-book, we analyze Jonathan’s Size Surge program and retool the phase 1 workouts with X Reps on the appropriate exercises as well as multi-rep rest/pause and drop sets, so an X-infused Size Surge program already exists for you to easily follow. [Read more…]
#1 Mass-Building Discovery—Surprising Find
Q: You guys have contributed so much to my ability to build lots of muscle. I want to thank you. X Reps are fantastic. Positions of Flexion is great; I build most of my workouts around that full-range principle. You’ve also created 4X and negative-accentuated [X-centric] training. So what do you think is the best of the bunch, your #1 mass-building discovery over the years?
A: Out of all of our mass-building tactics, X Reps are probably the easiest to apply. Well, maybe “easiest” is the wrong word because when you use them correctly, X-Rep partials at the end of a set are brutal—they hurt, but they work. X Reps make any set three to five times more effective at packing on mass… [Read more…]
Workout Density for Muscle Immensity
Q: I’ve been intrigued by your explanation of workout density being the reason your 10×10 program builds mass. Do you think that’s the reason drop sets are also so effective?
A: Workout density is Vince Gironda’s term to express getting more work done in a given time frame. For example, most trainees do a set, rest for two to three minutes, do another set, and so on. In 10 minutes you only do two or three sets…
[Read more…]X Reps and the Fat-to-Muscle Hustle
Q: I read your last e-zine on fat-to-muscle tips with great interest. I added your recommendations to my training immediately. My question is, What about X Reps? Do they help? Should I add those in as well?
A: Yes, X Reps are excellent for a faster fat-to-muscle hustle. For the uninitiated, X Reps are eight-inch partials that you add onto a set after you hit exhaustion. You do those end-of-set partials at the point on the stroke at which the target muscle is somewhat stretched—for example, near the bottom of an incline press, bench press, or chinup…
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