Q: You mentioned that almost all of the big bodybuilders use fast reps on most of their sets, like Arnold. But in Old Man Young Muscle 2 you say to do at least the first set with slower negative strokes [3 seconds to lower each]. Wouldn’t it be better to do ALL sets, even that first one, as Speed [1.5 seconds per rep] to limit damage and bring in more fast-twitch fibers? [Read more…]
Old Man, Young Muscle—Literally
We’ve been dissecting the reasons why a 15-to-20-rep set to failure to begin each muscle group can do great things for hypertrophy… [Read more…]
How to Flip the Fast-Twitch Switch to Pack on Mass
Last week’s newsletter on fiber-type activation during a set was thought-provoking. If you missed that…
Slow-twitch fibers generate ATP for power via aerobic metabolism—with oxygen (illustration by Larry Eklund)… [Read more…]
Fast-Twitch vs. Slow-Twitch Muscle Growth
Q: The [Old Man Young Muscle 2] leg-day workout only takes me 35 minutes. Love it, but I sometimes have trouble catching my breath with 20-second rests. Not on everything. The main problem occurs when I do gluteal pull-throughs, rest 20 seconds, then do a Speed Set of DB squats. Can I take a longer rest? [Read more…]
How to Use Fatigue for Faster Muscle Growth
Q: Do you think the fatigue of doing a high-rep set first [as in the Old Man, Young Muscle workout] is a good or bad thing for faster muscle growth? I’ve heard different conclusions.
A: For those unfamiliar with the Slow-Twitch Exhaustion method used in the OMYM workout, you do a 20-rep set to failure first to prime the muscle for higher fast-twitch recruitment on the second set… [Read more…]
Speed Sets: Fast-Twitch Mass Jolt
Q: Researchers say that the most important reps of a set are the last ones, which slow down. But when I do a Speed Set [with 1.5-second reps], none of the reps are slow toward the end. I hit a wall and have to terminate the set. Am I doing something wrong? [Read more…]
Speed Sets Pack On Mass (my experiment)
To recap last week’s newsletters, with Speed Sets—1.5-second reps, you’re involving more fast-twitch fibers along with slow-twitch on the early reps…
More than you do with a normal, slower rep speed… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 187: Arnold’s Traffic-Stopping Walk
One of Arnold’s past hobbies was to walk the streets shirtless and see how many car accidents he could cause. The truck in the background barely avoided a light pole and a bearded man in a turban on skates playing a guitar. (Yes, it was Venice, California.) [Read more…]
More 20-Rep Sets for Mass?
Q: What do you think about repeating the STX sequence after a rest for for the same exercise? Would two rounds help increase fast-twitch fiber activation even more? [Read more…]
Best Reps for Mass-Building Sets (study)
Q: I’ve always thought that lower reps were for mass. Do I need high reps at all? Don’t they just deplete recovery and inject inefficiency and fatigue into hypertrophy workouts?
A: Just the opposite for most trainees. I say “most” because there are a few fast-twitch-dominant people on one end of the Bell Curve who thrive on low reps. But consider this study (Mitchell, et al. 2012)…
Trainees did three sets of leg extensions to failure three times a week for 10 weeks. And each leg was trained differently…
One leg used 80 percent 1RM (lower reps), while the other was trained with 30 percent 1RM (higher reps)…
Quad growth was excellent but not different between legs. The interesting part was…
It appeared that the heavy-load training grew primarily the fast-twitch fibers, while the light-load training increased type-1, or slow-twitch, fiber size. Remember, there was no difference in hypertrophy response…
No doubt all fiber types grew in both legs; however, heavy leans fast-twitch and lighter leans slow-twitch—because of so many preliminary reps…
Would a mix of high and low reps yield even better results? My guess would be yes…
It’s only one study, so more research is needed; however, it appears to confirm that using a variety of rep ranges can produce hypertrophy in multiple fiber types for more overall mass.
And that’s one of the key reasons I include rep ranges from 20 down to 8 in Old Man, Young Muscle over three to four sets per muscle. It works…
As I mention in OMYM (page 44), respected researcher Jerry Brainum recently said that “It’s now known that type-1 [slow-twitch] fibers are capable of showing a significant level of hypertrophy, more than previously believed.”
So including a higher-rep set or two can provide another layer of mass. And let’s not forget that a high-rep set first can trigger more fast-twitch activation on the sets after due to slow-twitch exhaustion (STX).
Sculpt your perfect physique: Get the ideal exercise for each muscle, the best add-on moves for ultimate mass, complete 35-minute workouts, exercise start/finish photos, and details on building muscle fast and efficiently in Old Man, Young Muscle.
And you still get The Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook FREE for a limited time when you add Old Man, Young Muscle to your mass-building library. Go HERE.
Steve Holman
Former Editor in Chief, Iron Man Magazine
Specialize for Massive Size
Specialization training is when you devote your time and attention to building up a particular lagging muscle group or set of muscle groups.
Most guys in the gym use specialization to build bigger “visible” muscles like arms, forearms, or calves, but little do they know that they’re wasting countless sets and reps…
Plus, they initiate no growth hormone response—meaning all their specialized sets are basically worthless!
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But instant results aren’t the only perk of Alpha-3 Specialization…
Discover The Alpha-3 Specialization Method and Build Muscle Faster Than Ever Before
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