Q: I’ve been using the Full-Range 4X Mass Workout [on pages 46-48 of that e-book] for a month, and I’ve noticed that my muscles appear to be not only bigger, but rounder. I’m looking more like a bodybuilder! I’m not imagining this, as people have told me that at my gym. It’s fantastic, but I’m wondering why. Is it because of the extra sets with 4X on 3 exercises for each bodypart? I was only doing one or two exercises for each muscle before, so it must be the added volume.
A: That’s part of it. The extra volume with short rests during a 4X sequence helps deplete more glycogen from the muscles, and therefore they supercompensate and store more. That extra glycogen gives the muscles a fuller, rounder look, like Bob Paris’, who is pictured below (but there’s more to it than that, as you’ll see)… [Read more…]