In the new Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook, Steve outlines how he used 12-to-14-hour fasts a few days a week to get ripped in 10 weeks.
From mid-June to the end of August 2021, he hunkered down, muscled up, and leaned out. [Read more…]
Dedicated to Your Physical Transformation
In the new Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook, Steve outlines how he used 12-to-14-hour fasts a few days a week to get ripped in 10 weeks.
From mid-June to the end of August 2021, he hunkered down, muscled up, and leaned out. [Read more…]
Q: I’m using the Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout, but my bodyweight is staying the same. It’s been about four weeks, and I’m getting more veins and can see more muscle definition, but the number on the scale hasn’t budged. Should I make a change or start a new workout?
A: If you’re getting more vascular with increased muscularity, you’ve reduced the subcutaneous fat which is the adipose that is just under the skin. Why hasn’t that fat loss resulted in a smaller number on the scale? Probably because you’ve gained muscle at the same time, which balanced out the fat loss… [Read more…]
After more than 50 years in the muscle-building game combined, we’ve seen lots of anabolic “magic potions” come and go—like powdered deer antler…
But a few have risen above as solid mass builders. In fact, without them, your gains may be sluggish or even nonexistent.
These are the ones that work big time, and they’re especially critical for older bodybuilders (like us). Let’s count down our top 4 muscle-size nutrients… [Read more…]
Here’s a very cool comparison of three-time Mr. Olympia Frank Zane in his prime to how he looked peaked at age 65… [Read more…]
It’s the time of year when body-conscious folks are working to look their best for summer. A flat belly is great, and etched abs can really grab attention—but there’s nothing like phenomenal abdominals WITH overall muscularity and rugged rippedness.
The problem is, most people fail to even get to the first level—a flat, no-fat midsection. Why? It usually has something to do with the following 3 fat-burning facts you should be aware of. Knowing these will help you succeed in exiting the Chub Club and joining the Buff Brigade… [Read more…]
Q: I just got your Triple-Shred 3 e-books [X-treme Lean, Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout and X-traordinary Abs]. Looking over the workouts, I’m wondering which is best for me, The X-treme Lean High-Definition Workout or The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout? I need to lose fat and also build muscle, so what’s the difference? Is one better than the other?
A: You may have heard the saying that the best program for you is the one you’re NOT currently using. In other words, change ignites gains. So neither the X-treme Lean program nor the Fat-to-Muscle Workout is the best lean-machine workout—only different—and both ignite all of the key fat-off, muscle-on components… [Read more…]
Q: I’m getting some wicked pumps with Pre-Ex 3X. But I’ve been reading about your high-tension-time training methods. Do you think using higher reps on the pre-ex exercises is a good idea so I get 60 to 90 seconds of tension time?
A: Interesting idea. Optimal hypertrophic tension time is said to be 40 to 60 seconds, and many researchers extend that to 90 seconds. Most bodybuilders do sets that last only around 20 seconds… [Read more…]
Q: I know you suggest one second to lift and three seconds to lower. Do you ever use a slower lifting cadence, like lifting in three or four seconds instead of only one? Wouldn’t that produce more tension time for unique muscle-growth stimulation?
A: Yes, it can be a great variation for more mass creation as well as a fat-burning catalyst. But the big reason to slow down on the lifting stroke is for more strength. [Read more…]
Q: You’ve said that training each muscle only once a week doesn’t work for most people. But I just got the Fat-to-Muscle Workout (thank you for the sale price!), and both the four-day and three-day workouts train each muscle only once a week. Am I missing something?
A: You’re not missing anything; we’re just insane. Seriously, in the Q&A section of The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout we mention a study on negative-style training and the need it creates for much MORE RECOVERY. That’s the answer… [Read more…]
Q: I’m putting in more hours at work to make ends meet, so I don’t have a lot of time to train. I can get to the gym three days a week. I really want to start The Ultimate 10×10 Mass Workout [that uses only the Ultimate Exercise for each muscle group]. My problem is that I’m not convinced the 10×10 method will work. As much as I want to try the routine, I’m not sure I’m convinced that using lighter weights can really build muscle.
A: For the uninitiated, 10×10 is taking a weight you can get 20 reps with, but you only do 10. You rest for 30 seconds, then you do 10 more and so on until you complete 10 sets of 10 reps. The first sets are easy—almost too easy—but the last few sets are severe, and the pump is unreal. [Read more…]