I’ve mentioned the two-dumbbell pullover as a decent lat-stretch exercise; however, some trainees have shoulder-joint pain with it… [Read more…]
Midback Mass Tip
There’s controversy surrounding any type of rowing exercise…
Drug-Free Mr. Universe and biomechanics expert Doug Brignole used to say the row is not a good mid-back exercise because the traps don’t connect to the arms—they originate near the shoulder capsule and insert along the spine…
That means the mid-trapezius muscles’ function is to retract, or pull together, the shoulder blades… [Read more…]
Widen Your Back for More V-Mass
Q: You mentioned that you use a close-grip row as an add-on for mid-back stretch. What about lats for more back width? I’m guessing pullovers to stretch lats.
A: The two-dumbbell pullover does provide decent lat stretch—and I do include it (see Old Man, Young Muscle workout); however, right after my lat pull-ins, I do under-grip pulldowns. Here’s Jonathan in the finish position using a pulldown machine… [Read more…]
Rows Suck Ass for Back Mass—or Do They?
So do rows suck ass for back mass or not? They are not ideal, that’s a biomechanical fact…
The direction of resistance is simply incorrect for both lats and mid-back activation… [Read more…]
Row to Grow?
Q: I was rereading Old Man, Young Muscle, and you prop up chest-supported dumbbell rows as a good back exercise. It’s not ideal, so do you still use it now that you have cables? [Read more…]
Mr. America Disagrees, Calls Me Out
My recent newsletter, “Ideal Lat-Mass Moves,” got under the skin of biomechanics expert and 2019 Drug-Free Mr. Universe Doug Brignole. He disagrees with my assessment of the one-arm cable lat pull-in as having a less-than-ideal resistance curve. [Read more…]
Lat Stretch Variation for Mass Acceleration
My daughter and future son-in-law reported back to me about my lat-stretch suggestion. I told them to try undergrip pulldowns after the ideal exercise…
Keeping the torso angled slightly back allows the arms to stay in front of the shoulders to avoid joint impingement—but there are some problems I forgot to warn them about… [Read more…]
Lat Stretch for Back Mass?
As I mentioned, my daughter and future son-in-law have been working out for a few years, and they love quizzing me on the workout process…
They also enjoy tell me I’m wrong because Mongo at the gym does it a different way, and “he’s huge.” [Read more…]
Mass Gains: I’m Not Insane
I was talking with my daughter and future son-in-law the other day. The subject moved to weight training quickly, as it usually does…
They both have been working out for a few years. He’s after bigger muscles, she’s after a shapely physique, muscle included. [Read more…]
Rows Blow for Back Mass—What?
Mr. America Doug Brignole opened my eyes to a number of bodybuilding missteps that I and lots of others have been making in the gym…
If you missed it, Doug recently won the 2019 AAU Drug-Free Mr. Universe at age 59, and he did it using only a handful of “ideal” exercises. Rows for back are not on his list… [Read more…]