Here’s another great quote from Dr. James DiNcolantonio (follow @drjamesdinic on Instagram): [Read more…]
Time to Get Ripped for Summer?
Q: I know you like to be in shape for the summer. You look ripped in pics. When do you start paring down winter fat, and how do you do it? [Read more…]
He looked fit, then he took of his shirt—Holy Sh!#
Don’t judge a look when it’s covered. Someone can appear fairly average in clothes, especially drug-free bodybuilders—lean and fit. But when the shirt comes off, they can look 20 pounds heavier and ripped. [Read more…]
New Ripped Muscle: The After-Fast After-Burn
In the new Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook, Steve outlines how he used 12-to-14-hour fasts a few days a week to get ripped in 10 weeks.
From mid-June to the end of August 2021, he hunkered down, muscled up, and leaned out. [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 136: Bruce Lee’s V Physique (4 Pics)
Here are four shots of Bruce Lee showing his impressive V-tapered torso. Obviously, Lee wasn’t a competitive bodybuilder, but his acid-etched physique stunned those who witnessed it in peak condition. [Read more…]
Washboard Abs with Mass
Q: I just started the Size Surge program. I love it and can already see results! I just had a question about abs. In the this program, you have only one day for abdominal work. Is that really enough to get great washboard abs? Can I add some ab training to other days or maybe the off days?
A: You can add some ab work if you like, but keep in mind that your abs are getting a lot of work supporting your torso on all the big exercises you’re doing on Monday and Friday—from presses to upright rows to squats. Notice how Jonathan has washboard abs in this photo as he does dumbbell shrugs, showing that they’re almost always working to some degree… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 98: Bruce Lee’s Kick-Ass Muscle
Bruce Lee wasn’t a competitive bodybuilder, but his physique stunned those who witnessed it in peak condition. [Read more…]
High-End Combo to Grow: A Mass-Building Twist
Q: I’m getting some wicked pumps with Pre-Ex 3X. But I’ve been reading about your high-tension-time training methods. Do you think using higher reps on the pre-ex exercises is a good idea so I get 60 to 90 seconds of tension time?
A: Interesting idea. Optimal hypertrophic tension time is said to be 40 to 60 seconds, and many researchers extend that to 90 seconds. Most bodybuilders do sets that last only around 20 seconds… [Read more…]
Look Like a Bodybuilder
Q: I’m a powerlifter, but I want a better physique. I’m not sure how. I’ve got some muscle, but I sure don’t look like a bodybuilder. What should I do? I’m thinking I just need more isolated exercises for each muscle, like pushdowns for triceps. If I keep pushing heavy weights on all those exercises, I’ll look more like a bodybuilder, right? Do any of your e-books address my problem?
A: You gave a clue to one of the big reasons so many trainees make slow-to-no muscle gains: They’re brainwashed into believing that heavy training exclusively is what builds mass. That’s simply not true… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 4: Bruce Lee Ripped
Okay, Bruce Lee wasn’t a competitive bodybuilder, but his physique stunned those who witnessed it in peak condition.
Hard to believe he was 5’8” and weighed only 128 pounds. You read that right.
[Read more…]