It’s a little-known fact that Bruce Lee’s violent ventriloquist act never caught on. Many attributed its failure to the gruesome throat-chop finale, seen in this photo—and he dragged out the death gurgle way too long… [Read more…]
26 Fat-Loss Tips (from Dr. J.D.), Part 2
Yesterday, I had the first 11 fat-loss tips from Dr. James Di Nicolantonio, whom I follow on Instagram (follow at: @drjamesdinic).
Even though it’s winter, you don’t want to go full-on belly bloat—or you’ll have a tough time getting in shape as spring gets close. Keep the image of abs in your head to prevent you from being mistaken for Santa… [Read more…]
Fat-Loss Tips (from Dr. J.D.), Part 1
It’s winter holiday time, not when we usually think about fat loss. But it’s good to have it in the back of our minds so we don’t overindulge.
I allow myself an ab-shrouding layer, but not so much that it will be hard to shed come the new year. Struggling to button your pants is unacceptable, but no need to maintain this look… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 164: Frank Zane’s Meditation Muscle
Frank Zane looked aesthetic even when he was meditating. Here he is, in contest-diet mode, trying to manifest the ability to unhinge his jaw when a dessert cart rolls by… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 106: Frank Zane’s Perfect Beach Physique
Frank Zane’s physique is still considered near perfection today. Who wouldn’t want a beach physique like this? [Read more…]
Your #1 Step to Fast Fat Loss
Q: I need to lose 20 pounds. I’ve gained a bit of a gut during this interesting year, and I have a goal to lose it in two to three months. If I succeed, I should look pretty good for spring and summer. Is that possible? What’s the number-one thing I should do to get it going? I’m stoked to see abs, so I’ll starve if I have to.
A: Well, the first thing you should NOT do is starve by making a huge calorie cut. That’s the big mistake most people make due to excessive motivation and/or impatience. A giant calorie reduction all at once sends your body into starvation mode. That preserves fat and burns muscle tissue—which then slows down your metabolism to a crawl. Not what you want… [Read more…]
Realistic 1-Month Weight Loss
Q: Do you think I could lose 20 pounds in a month? I’ll be honest, I slacked off during the stay-at-home order where I live, and my weight suffered because of it. Oops! I want to be in a somewhat healthy looking condition during the summer. I want the fat off, as it’s killing me to see this gut! And summer’s already under way. Help?!
A: Yes, you could technically lose that much weight in a month, but most of it would be water and muscle—and you probably wouldn’t look better or feel healthy—in fact, you’d feel like crap and look worse than you feel right now. We’re all impatient when it comes to changing our bodies, and especially when it comes to weight loss, but the best strategy is gradual and steady, even when there’s a short deadline like the one you’ve set… [Read more…]
Overtrained? Try This for Instant Muscle Gains—No Layoff Necessary
Q: I’m starting to drag at the gym, and I don’t look forward to my workouts anymore. I’m starting to think I’m overtrained. I haven’t grown in a while, but I DON’T want to take a layoff. Even backing off to low-effort workouts sounds like a bad idea because I don’t want to lose my gains. What should I do?
A: Boy, does that sound familiar. We always tell trainees that they need a break to regenerate and keep the growth process rolling, but they never take one (and neither do we—bad). That’s an easy way to end up overtrained. [Read more…]
Big-and-Ripped Tips: Size Surge, Fat Purge
Q: I’m really stoked about using the Size Surge program. A friend at my gym said he used it last winter and put on 12 pounds of muscle after only 8 weeks. My question is about burning fat while on the program. I don’t want to get fat, but I know I have to eat big to get big. You’ve said that X-centric [or negative-accentuated] sets can help burn more fat. Can I work those in somehow to Size Surge?
A: Absolutely! We try to use X-centric sets throughout the winter to help keep the lean machine revved so abs don’t completely disappear.
In fact, if you’re going to use the original heavy-training version of Size Surge—as opposed to the moderate-weight 4X version we’ve talked about—the X-centric sets will help you burn more fat AND expand the muscle sarcoplasm for extra mass. That’s important because heavy training tends to neglect that important anabolic “layer.” [Read more…]
Get Ripped Now: Your Muscle-Beach Action Plan
“Man, you look incredible—amazing abs!” Who doesn’t want to hear compliments like that when peeling off your shirt at the beach, pool, or lake? Make a promise to yourself: You’re going to get ripped and look better than ever this year…
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