The new meta-analysis by Robinson, et al. (2023) on volume for hypertrophy is interesting. Those researchers determined that 12 ALL-OUT sets a week per muscle is a good top end for hypertrophy for most trainees… [Read more…]
My Mistake: Change-to-Gain Mass Omission
In my excitement putting together my list of change-to-gain tactics, I left out a key one—probably because I only use it about once a month…
I meant to include it within #1, exercise switch, because it is just that—although more of an exercise shuffle… [Read more…]
Change-to-Gain Mass Method #3
I’ve talked about these change-to-gain methods so far…
1) Exercise switch
2) Altered rep speed
Next on my list is… [Read more…]
Change-to-Gain Mass Method #2
Yesterday I mentioned that once your strength gains tail off, another way to achieve change for new hypertrophy gains is to switch exercises…
That switch is easier with add-on exercises, as there are many—not so much with the ideal moves. Still, with a cable set-up, it can be done, such as going from [Read more…]
Aftershock Training to Jolt Muscle Gaining
Q: I was reading some past articles where you guys had mentioned something called Aftershock training. What is that, and should I try it?
A: Aftershock training is supersetting two exercises, but with a distinct reason—more fast-twitch fiber recruitment for new muscle growth quickly (it can rejuvenate standard straight-set 3D POF training, as you’ll see).
[Read more…]Are You Working Out Too Hard?
Q: I train my butt off in the gym. I hit it harder than every other guy in there, but I haven’t gained much muscle in a long time. Is it my genetics? My nutrition is perfect, so I should be growing like crazy, but I’m not. It’s very frustrating… Help?!
A: Yes, your genetics could have something to do with it; HOWEVER, you may have just been working out too hard for too long. It’s time to step back with a new plan… [Read more…]