The brand new Never Stop Growing is here—guaranteed to get your workouts into major mass-building mode.
[Read more…]The Great Gains Experiment
Q: I’ve read that training all out [to failure] is not the best way to grow muscle. The argument I read said that it causes nervous system and adrenal burnout as well as higher levels of muscle-eating cortisol [stress hormone]. Don’t you think bodybuilders will grow better if they use more sets, stopping short of failure to avoid those problems?
A: No doubt about it, training all out is traumatic. It’s brutal on the body, but that’s what makes it so effective—if you use it correctly… [Read more…]
4-Week Freak-Physique Workout (NEW E-book!)
If you’re like us, you’re always in search of the perfect mass-building workout. Even if you had huge gains for just a single month – 30 days of unbridled muscle hypertrophy — you could radically change your appearance and have people’s jaws dropping…
What would it take? To get on the big-gain train, you need to apply the latest hypertrophy research… [Read more…]