My daughter and her firefighter husband were over to wash their fierce Doberman-esque dog—and of course they always drift to my favorite topic: slap fighting—kidding—workouts… [Read more…]
Dips Ideal for Chest Stretch/Mass?
Q: With the past few newsletters, you really hit it out of the park. Since using stretch exercises and Speed Sets on selected exercise, [as in the [OMYM] workouts], I’ve increased my muscle size considerably. Now, with your dissection of the study on stretch partials, I think those will give me more new gains. My question is, Do you consider parallel-bar dips a good stretch move for chest? [Read more…]
Incline Flyes for Upper-Chest Size? (study)
Q: In a recent newsletter, you showed a photo of incline flyes. I know you’re not a fan of incline presses, but do you still think incline flyes are valuable for some upper-pec mass?
A: I do, but at a low angle—around 30 degrees.
Trebs, et al. found moving higher to 45 degrees activates way too much front deltoid. [Read more…]
Flyes: “Ideal” Chest Exercise?
Q: I have a good grasp of the ideal-exercise factors from your ebook Old Man Young Muscle and Brignole’s The Physics of Resistance Exercise. I understand why dumbbell decline presses are ideal for chest, but what about flyes? They appear to encompass the same ideal factors, and you don’t have to use as much weight to get the same load on the pecs because of a longer lever [arms extended]. [Read more…]
Bench Pushups for Chest Mass?
I was asked recently about the close-grip bench pushups that I have as my chest finisher in Old Man, Young Muscle. [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 115: Lee Haney Backstage Mass
This is a great photo of Lee Haney backstage revealing his crazy abs and thick, striated pecs.… [Read more…]
Bench Press Power
Q: I’m using the Size Surge program, and it’s absolutely fantastic. My only complaint is that I want my bench press power to go up faster. I’m not sure that the two work sets on the bench are enough to make that happen. What would you suggest?
A: Two work sets can be enough. During Jonathan’s original 10-week cycle, his bench went from 200 x 10 to 290 x 6. But to be fair, he was regaining some size and strength that he’d had previously. Still a spectacular increase. [Read more…]
Best Chisel-Your-Chest Exercise
Q: I’ve been using cable crossovers as my contracted-position exercise in my 3D Positions-of-Flexion chest routine. I do them last for tension, occlusion, and a final pump, but I’m not getting the right feel and not seeing much of a pump. Do you have any form suggestions to make them better?
A: Cable crossovers are a good contracted-position chisel-your-chest exercise—if you have decent nerve-to-muscle connections in your pec muscles. Those who don’t tend to shift the torso forward and backward during the exercise, to bring in more front delts and even lats. We prefer a similar exercise that forces strictness… [Read more…]
Specialize for Super Size
Q: I got the X-traordinary Arms e-book, but not for the arm routines (although they are great, and I learned a lot from them). I got it for the 3D HIT program, which is absolutely fantastic (I’m done in about 45 minutes!) and is working really well for me. Anyway, my arms are good; it’s my chest that needs work. You’ve said that the 3D HIT program is perfect for specializing
A: Yes, because of the efficient abbreviated nature of 3D HIT, it’s perfect for rotating in specialization routines for one or two bodyparts. It’s so efficient because it has you train each muscle with one work set in each position of flexion for full-range work, a minimum for continuous full development. That leaves more fuel for concentrated work on weak areas, which, in your case, is chest.
[Read more…]Stretch to Etch Slashing Muscle Detail
Q: I’m trying to get that crisp division between my pecs. I want to be able to see the inner part of my chest muscles from the lower part all the way up to the collarbone. I do lots of cable crossovers, but I’m only seeing a bit of detail in my lower chest. Any suggestions?
A: One problem may be fat in the area. A bit of adipose covering the pecs will blur or negate any detail. You need to be fairly lean to see the chest-muscle division (cleavage) from top to bottom.
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