No, Mike and Ray Mentzer were not taxidermied and shellacked—these are figurines someone created of the high-intensity duo. Amazing work… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 260: Mike Mentzer’s Mass On the Beach
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 204: Mike Mentzer’s Aesthetic Mass Pose
Here’s a classic shot of legendary Mike Mentzer hitting his famous Headache Guy pose. [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 148: Ray & Mike Mentzer’s Gym Mass
Here’s a shot of Mike (left) and Ray Mentzer, in the gym doing the Free-Mustache-Rides Club handshake. Both were massive dudes and Mr. America winners… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 125: Ray Mentzer’s Mr. America Mass
This studio shot of Ray Mentzer is a classic (we’re not sure of the photographer), taken when he won the 1979 Mr. America. [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 86: Ray Mentzer Classic Mass
This black-and-white shot of Ray Mentzer is one we haven’t seen before (we’re not sure of the photographer). It’s when Ray won the 1979 Mr. America. [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 84: Ray and Mike Mentzer Beach Muscle
This shot of Mike (kneeling) and Ray Mentzer on the beach is a classic, one that Steve had framed on his wall in his early 20s for motivation. The photo is by Wayne Gallasch of GMV Productions out of Australia ( [Read more…]
Feel Your Muscle Grow
Q: Your 4X training is fantastic. It has me growing again, and it’s perfect with 3-way POF. My question is about muscle feel. How important is it for size increases? I ask because I have trouble feeling some major body parts, like shoulders and chest.
A: We think it’s EXTREMELY important to feel the target muscle working; if you don’t, you may be using other muscle groups to move the weight or simply not innervating enough muscle fibers for a big anabolic response. [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 53: Ray Mentzer on the Beach
This most-muscular variation by Ray Mentzer on the beach may be his best condition ever. The photo is by Wayne Gallasch of GMV Productions out of Australia. [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 49: Mike Mentzer, Beach Freak
This John Balik photo of Mike Mentzer is insane—serious freak on the beach and one of the best pics of Mike we’ve ever seen… [Read more…]