Recent studies seem to place stretch-loading and stretch exercises at the top of the mass-building food chain… [Read more…]
Stretch Best for Mass? Maybe Not…
You’ve no doubt seen all the studies showing that stretch-loading builds muscle mass significantly faster than contraction emphasis… [Read more…]
Forgotten Factor in Fast Mass Gains, part 2
The new meta-analysis by Robinson, et al. (2023) on volume for hypertrophy is interesting. Those researchers determined that 12 ALL-OUT sets a week per muscle is a good top end for hypertrophy for most trainees… [Read more…]
Your Best # of Sets for Mass—new study, part 2
In the last training newsletter, I looked at a new meta-analysis that determined the best number of sets per week and optimal intensity for hypertrophy… [Read more…]
Mass Mantra #6
The new study on stretch-partial-rep sets producing more growth than full-range reps and contraction-partial reps, brings up a question… [Read more…]
Stretch Partials for More Mass (new study)
Quite a coincidence. As I began writing this series on stretch overload, a new study appeared on the subject.
It was one I was hoping would eventually be done—although the trainees weren’t exactly to my specifications. The study… [Read more…]
Mass Mantra #5
With today’s quote, I want to stay in the realm of stretch overload for superior muscle growth… [Read more…]
More Mass With Drop Sets? (new meta-analysis research)
Q: I’m torn between using standard training with 2 minutes between sets or drop-set-style training with 10 to 20 seconds between sets like you follow [in the Old Man, Young Muscle workouts]. Is there a definitive answer as to which is better for mass? [Read more…]
New Study on Mass-Training Frequency
One of the more popular “advanced” methods is to train each muscle only once a week. That’s a more recent idea, as… [Read more…]
Frequency, Intensity and Muscle Immensity (Study)
Hypertrophy researcher Chris Beardsley has said that a muscle recovers after only 48 hours—but as Mr. America/Mr. Universe Doug Brignole noted, that doesn’t include the supercompensation “growth” phase, which occurs after damage is repaired… [Read more…]