Yesterday I addressed a question about building muscle in a home gym without a cable unit. [Read more…]
Elastic-Band Mass Tweak
After yesterday’s newsletter on elastic bands and how they emphasize the contracted position at the expense of stretch, I wanted to mention an efficiency tweak. [Read more…]
Get Off the Band Wagon for More Mass?
Q: With all the studies showing that stretch loading produces best muscle gains, elastic bands appear to be very inefficient at building muscle. The resistance curve is such that the stretch is less loaded than contraction. Do you use bands or recommend them for any part of hypertrophy training?
A: Bands do stress the contracted position at the expense of stretch. So if you plan to rotate in a contracted-position exercise for variation in fiber recruitment, bands are appropriate… [Read more…]
Muscle-Training “Band” Wagon
I’ve mentioned that I have a couple of close friends who train with stretch bands. One is 65 years old and uses bands almost exclusively… [Read more…]
Band-Move Muscle Maker
In a previous newsletter I discussed why resistance bands are not ideal for muscle building—the strength curve is backward… [Read more…]
Resistance Bands for the Muscleman?
Lately, I’ve been harping on the perfect resistance curve, mostly because I know the key ideal-exercise factors create efficiency of effort in the gym to build muscle quickly…
At my age, I don’t have time to waste with workouts longer than about 40 minutes 3 days a week. The lifetime finish line is looming… [Read more…]