Fun Fact: In early July 2023, Canada’s Corey Bellemore won the gold at the Beer Mile World Classic in Chicago. The event is running a mile while slamming four beers. His time was an impressive 4:30.8. [Read more…]
More Sets for Young Muscle?
Q: I’m in my early 40s. I’ve been lifting on and off for years, but I haven’t built a lot of muscle. I’m going to start the Old Man Young, Muscle workouts, but I’m wondering if I should do more sets since I’m younger than you are?
A: When it comes to individual volume tolerance, there are a number of factors other than age that you should consider. For example, are you a muscular athletic type—a.k.a. a mesomorph?
Since you said you haven’t built a lot of muscle, my guess is that you’re probably like me and more of a thinner ectomorph type. [Read more…]
New Workout Reload for Fat-to-Muscle Results
Q: I’m using the Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout, but my bodyweight is staying the same. It’s been about four weeks, and I’m getting more veins and can see more muscle definition, but the number on the scale hasn’t budged. Should I make a change or start a new workout?
A: If you’re getting more vascular with increased muscularity, you’ve reduced the subcutaneous fat which is the adipose that is just under the skin. Why hasn’t that fat loss resulted in a smaller number on the scale? Probably because you’ve gained muscle at the same time, which balanced out the fat loss… [Read more…]
Old-School Muscle Moves
Q: I noticed in some of your newsletters and in articles on your website that you guys do behind-the-neck presses and behind-the-neck pulldowns. Don’t you know those can trash your rotator cuffs?
A: You’re not the first to reprimand us for using those so-called dangerous old-school muscle moves. However, we think the injury potential of behind-the-neck pulldowns and behind-the-neck presses is overblown because it’s dependent on genetics, exercise form, and where you place them in your program.
[Read more…]X-Rep Lies: Before and After Photos
Q: The before and after photos at your X-Rep site are pretty unbelievable. I mean, come on, four weeks to get those changes? You must’ve either lied about the time it took or manipulated the photos. You should be ashamed of yourselves. There’s too much of that deceptive crap on the Internet.
A: Ashamed? Actually, we’re very proud. Those photos are 100 percent authentic and accurate—no photo alterations, no steroids, and they were taken about four weeks apart. (The key technique that made it happen and a step-by-step how-to is coming up.)
[Read more…]Are You Working Out Too Hard?
Q: I train my butt off in the gym. I hit it harder than every other guy in there, but I haven’t gained much muscle in a long time. Is it my genetics? My nutrition is perfect, so I should be growing like crazy, but I’m not. It’s very frustrating… Help?!
A: Yes, your genetics could have something to do with it; HOWEVER, you may have just been working out too hard for too long. It’s time to step back with a new plan… [Read more…]