Many bodybuilders think they need to train with ultra-heavy weights to get big…
While you will grow, hypertrophy may be slow—at least slower than training with moderate poundages for more reps. [Read more…]
Dedicated to Your Physical Transformation
Many bodybuilders think they need to train with ultra-heavy weights to get big…
While you will grow, hypertrophy may be slow—at least slower than training with moderate poundages for more reps. [Read more…]
In yesterday’s newsletter, I was NOT saying that if you get stronger you will get bigger. Leverage, learning the movement, and neuromuscular efficiency can account for strength increases.
I knew a skinny guy who worked up to a 350-pound bench, and his pecs and arms sucked. He still looked skinny all over—although he was a little beefier than if he’d never lifted at all… [Read more…]