Here’s a quote from Paul Carter, hypertrophy researcher Chris Beardley’s colleague, that relates to the past few newsletters on rep speed (Paul is on Instagram: @liftrunbang1): [Read more…]
Repping High to Low to Grow
Q: I’m seeing a lot of new growth since I’ve been using Speed Sets [on “set 2” after the first 1/3-tempo primer set]. I notice a fluctuation with some muscles. Like on cable lat pull-ins I can get 8 to 10 Speed Reps, but on cable chest presses I only get 5 Speed Reps. Is that a lack of reps slowing my gains? [Read more…]
Speed Muscle Growth
Q: You mentioned that almost all of the big bodybuilders use fast reps on most of their sets, like Arnold. But in Old Man Young Muscle 2 you say to do at least the first set with slower negative strokes [3 seconds to lower each]. Wouldn’t it be better to do ALL sets, even that first one, as Speed [1.5 seconds per rep] to limit damage and bring in more fast-twitch fibers? [Read more…]
Lower Reps Slow to Grow?
Should you do your reps with 3-second negatives to get the most growth from a set? [Read more…]
Speed-Set Mass Hack
Q: I’ve been doing most of my ideal exercises on a cable machine, the type with the adjustable arms. One problem is that after my initial [1/3-tempo] 20-rep set, the Speed Set that follows doesn’t feel quite right. It may be cable drag. Getting the right [1.5-second] rhythm on the speed reps is difficult. It seems like I’m forced to stop the set early. Any suggestions?
A: Cable drag can be a problem on some exercises when you’re attempting faster reps. There is a hack… [Read more…]
Mass Mantra #41
Here’s a quote from former bodybuilder and physique coach Scott Abel, who has been in the industry for more than 30 years… [Read more…]
Mass Mantra #35
Speed Sets—with 1.5-second controlled reps—are a big part of the Old Man, Young Muscle workout. Most of the top bodybuilders have been using them throughout their careers due to instinct—like Arnold.
Another is eight-time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney. Here’s what he had to say in a recent interview (photo by Michael Neveux)… [Read more…]
Mass Jolt: Rep-Speed Revolt
Throughout my training career, it’s always bothered me that so many top bodybuilders talk about the importance of slow rep speed—especially on the negative or lowering stroke, yet most don’t follow that protocol… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 200: Arnold’s Shirtless Office Mass
In his younger days, Arnold had trouble holding an office job due to his disdain for shirts—and sometimes pants. [Read more…]
Speed Sets Pack On Mass (my experiment)
To recap last week’s newsletters, with Speed Sets—1.5-second reps, you’re involving more fast-twitch fibers along with slow-twitch on the early reps…
More than you do with a normal, slower rep speed… [Read more…]
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