Q: I’m seeing a lot of new growth since I’ve been using Speed Sets [on “set 2” after the first 1/3-tempo primer set]. I notice a fluctuation with some muscles. Like on cable lat pull-ins I can get 8 to 10 Speed Reps, but on cable chest presses I only get 5 Speed Reps. Is that a lack of reps slowing my gains? [Read more…]
Speed Muscle Growth
Q: You mentioned that almost all of the big bodybuilders use fast reps on most of their sets, like Arnold. But in Old Man Young Muscle 2 you say to do at least the first set with slower negative strokes [3 seconds to lower each]. Wouldn’t it be better to do ALL sets, even that first one, as Speed [1.5 seconds per rep] to limit damage and bring in more fast-twitch fibers? [Read more…]
Speed-Set Mass Effects
Q: The new OMYM2 is the best workout info I’ve seen in a good while. I’ve been using Speed Sets, but I’m wondering if they are effective after heavy sets, like after an 8-rep set. Or are Speed Sets only useful if the first set is performed with 15 to 20 repetitions as in STX? [Read more…]
Fewer Reps, More Mass?
Q: After my 20-rep set with a 1/3 tempo on the ideal exercise, I rest 20 seconds, then do a Speed Set (1.5-second reps) on that exercise. You say that you get 10 or fewer Speed Set reps, but I get 13, sometimes more. Should I cut my rest down to 10 seconds so I get fewer reps on my Speed Set? [Read more…]
Speed Sets: Fast Gains or More Pain?
Q: I just turned 55 and am a hardgainer type like you. I’ve read with interest your take on Speed Sets. Aren’t you afraid of getting injured doing plyometric reps at your age? I’m afraid to try them.
A: First, Speed Sets are not plyometric, which are explosive. They are controlled 1.5-second reps—no throwing or heaving… [Read more…]
Speed-Set Mass Hack
Q: I’ve been doing most of my ideal exercises on a cable machine, the type with the adjustable arms. One problem is that after my initial [1/3-tempo] 20-rep set, the Speed Set that follows doesn’t feel quite right. It may be cable drag. Getting the right [1.5-second] rhythm on the speed reps is difficult. It seems like I’m forced to stop the set early. Any suggestions?
A: Cable drag can be a problem on some exercises when you’re attempting faster reps. There is a hack… [Read more…]
Moment of Bodybuilding Zen 227: Arnold’s Young, Defiant Double-Biceps
Great shot of young Arnold daring his boss to fire him as he shows up to the office shirtless yet again. [Read more…]
Mass Mantra #41
Here’s a quote from former bodybuilder and physique coach Scott Abel, who has been in the industry for more than 30 years… [Read more…]
All Speed Sets for More Mass? Part 2
Yesterday I mentioned why it’s best to do the first set of your ideal exercise with a 1/3 cadence…
The first set acts as a warmup, a slow negative appears to have hypertrophy benefits, a slower-rep set exhausts the slow-twitch fibers transitioning to fast-twitch on the last reps and from the very first rep of the Speed Set that follows. [Read more…]
All Speed Sets for More Mass? Part 1
Q: Speed Sets [1.5-second reps] feel great and are working. Just wondering why not do the first high-rep set with speed to get at more fast-twitch fibers. Or how about all sets in the entire workout in Speed style?
A: Have you been watching elite-bodybuilder training videos? Mr. Olympia winners like Jay Cutler use a rapid-fire cadence on almost all of their work sets… [Read more…]
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