I’ve talked about these change-to-gain methods so far…
1) Exercise switch
2) Altered rep speed
Next on my list is… [Read more…]
Dedicated to Your Physical Transformation
I’ve talked about these change-to-gain methods so far…
1) Exercise switch
2) Altered rep speed
Next on my list is… [Read more…]
We’ve determined that pausing between each rep at the stretch—stretch-pause—is less damaging than standard sets using a controlled “explosion” at the turnaround. [Read more…]
Q: Your analysis of stretch and stretch exercises has been interesting to say the least. You’ve said that you often include an ideal-exercise set on which you pause for a count in the stretch position on every rep. Do you think stretch-pause sets cause more damage than regular sets? [Read more…]
Q: Recently you mentioned using a pause at stretch on every rep of a set. You said you were giving it a try to see if it produced more muscle growth. I’m thinking about giving it a go. What’s your verdict?
A: To clarify, I’ve been using it on the first high-rep set of my ideal exercise—like dumbbell decline extensions for triceps… [Read more…]
Even way back in the ‘80s I knew that stretch-position exercises had unique muscle-building power. If I included them, I got bigger, no question about it. [Read more…]