Q: Your Progressive-Speed 4X method (from The Super-Size Crash Course) sounds like a killer mass method. As Coach Charles Poliquin used to say, changing tempo is a legit way to get new gains in muscle growth. But I’m into heavy training now, so I don’t want to start my work sets with a light [1/6 tempo] X-centric set. Can I do X-centric last?
A: You don’t have to use Progressive-Speed 4X for new gains as we outline—with an X-centric set first (lifting in one second, lowering in six)…
In fact, since you’re in a heavy training phase, you can completely bastardize it and only do your tempo-change-for-more-gains on your last set only—as an add-on—and you can get two tempos in one.
For example, say you’re using a pyramid on your big midrange exercise, adding weight to each set—like this…
Bench presses or incline presses, 3 x 8, 6, 3-4
For a double-tempo change to gain, simply add a fourth set with LESS weight and do it in X-centric style, lift in one second and lower in six, rest 10 seconds, then rep out in X-celeration style—1.5-second reps—with that same lighter weight…
With X-centric you’ll get 7 to 8 reps and a long muscle-building tension time of nearly a full minute. That triggers high-end hypertrophy…
After the 10-second rest/pause, you do X-centric, a “speed” style—1.5 seconds per rep. You get less tension time, but the fast, CONTROLLED piston-style rep action can activate MORE growth fibers….
Now you get your heavy training with add-on rep-speed variation for more mass creation.
NOTE: Get The Super-Size Crash Course with complete workouts that include Progressive-Speed, Downward Progression, Positions of Flexion, 4X, TORQ, and more—PLUS, the radical, result-producing 2-Days-Per-Week, Jack-Your-Physique Diet for only $10. More info, go HERE
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
The #1 Muscle that Eliminates Back Pain, Looking Fat & Boosts Mass-Building Performance in the Gym
There’s a muscle in your body that is an indicator of the strength and health of your whole body. It’s been called the most powerful hidden survival muscle. If it’s too tight, undertrained, or locked up, it can contribute to issues such as:
- Nagging Joint Pain
- Bad Posture
- Trouble Sleeping
- Sluggishness
- High Anxiety
- Digestive Problems
- Weakened Immune System
- Circulatory Issues
- Loss of Sexual-Performance
- Lack of Explosiveness and Results in the Gym
But when you unlock this muscle, many of those problems disappear—plus, you get more productive mass-building workouts and enhanced recovery. Which muscle do you think it is? (Click on your choice for the answer and article on “unlocking” new mass and power.)
2) Your Heart
4) The Masseter