The longer I’m in this bodybuilding maze, the clearer it becomes that everyone responds differently due to unique needs.
Sure, there are some basic facts about efficient hypertrophy you should adhere to, like the best mass-building resistance curve on any exercise is hardest at stretch and easiest at contraction…
More and more studies are verifying that the stretch area of the stroke is most important for fast, efficient mass stimulation. In other words, that’s what you should emphasize for size…
But other decisions in your training aren’t so clear-cut. For example, I was corresponding with friend and fellow old-man-muscle aficionado Elliott…
He’s like me in that he needs variation in his workouts. On the other hand, Drug-Free Mr. Universe Doug Brignole does not—he sticks to the same ideal exercises always…
Then there’s the train-to-failure question…
Researcher Chris Beardsley’s sets-to-failure damage analysis threw me off track. I may have pulled back too much and started coasting due to his warnings. Being as experienced as I am, I should’ve realized that getting to failure or very close is necessary for gains with so few sets in my workouts…
The more sets you do, the more you can back away from failure.
Beardsley’s assessment did open my eyes to the fact that I don’t have to achieve an eye-popping final rep, but I should still get relatively close—mechanical failure as it’s called. Stopping one rep before perfect-form failure is ideal…
And what about frequency…
I’m now reading that more frequent muscle hits are best to grow. Beardsley says every 48 hours for many. Does that apply to us old guys? I don’t know…
I do know that I don’t want more workouts each week. I’m doing upper body twice, lower body once with weights plus once with recumbent-bike sprints and once with a 3-mile run.
So while I would like more muscle, being over 60 throws a monkey wrench into things. I’m attempting to preserve my health and joints, so trying to apply research performed on young whippersnappers will no doubt overtrain me…
And who the hell wants to be cadaver stringy; not me. I had enough of that when I was a young whippersnapper.
New: Get the ideal exercise for each muscle, the best add-on moves for ultimate mass, complete 35-minute workouts, exercise start/finish photos, and details on building muscle fast and efficiently in Old Man, Young Muscle.
And you still get The Muscle-On, Belly-Gone “Diet” ebook FREE for a limited time when you add Old Man, Young Muscle to your mass-building library. Go HERE.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
—Steve Holman
Former Editor in Chief, Iron Man Magazine
Testosterone prescriptions do more HARM than good for older men
Millions of men are struggling with the problems associated with low-T in today’s world, such as extra belly and chest fat, low energy and stamina, lack of sexual desire, ED problems, and loss of muscle.
Sadly, millions of men also turn to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) to try to overcome these problems and try to feel like a new man again…BUT there are some VERY concerning problems with TRT that every man NEEDS to know.
After reading the article below, you might want to consider alternate routes of boosting your T levels naturally instead of through something that’s potentially as harmful as TRT…
–> Why Testosterone Replacement Therapy can do more HARM than good (for any ladies reading this, please pass this on to your husband or boyfriend if they are using or have considered using TRT)