Q: I’m not that old (40s), so I’m thinking I can benefit from some heavier workouts. I know you’re older and not a fan, but if you were in my shoes and going to train heavy for six-week segments, how would you do it? I know an older guy at my gym who says he’s been training heavy all his life and has no joint issues.
[Read more…]Mr. America’s Superset Workout + Full-Body Training
Q: Your new ebooks are absolutely stellar. I read both in one day. I’m thinking about switching to the full-body workout [page 19 in The Ultimate Mass Workout Reloaded] for a while. You show both the A and B workouts with STX rest/pause. Could I use Doug Brignole’s superset method [as in the Never Stop Growing workout] when I feel like it?
[Read more…]“Wave” Workout Recovery Solution
In the last newsletter, I showed how taking two days off between the A and B New Wave Full-Body Workouts (page 19 in UMWR) is perfectly fine…
And it may be necessary—at least every so often—to ward off the Dread Factor…
[Read more…]Do You Need More Rest Days to Grow?
Q: I’m close to 70, so your programs have been perfect templates for me. I’ve added lots of muscle, but lately I need more rest days between workouts. I tried your [New Wave Full-Body Workout in The Ultimate Mass Workout Reloaded]. Love it, but sometimes training every other day drains me. Suggestions?
[Read more…]Never Stop Growing Workout
Q: I started the workout in the new ebook [Never Stop Growing], and it’s fantastic so far. I train in a commercial gym, so the second workout using Doug Brignole’s supersets can be a challenge when the gym is busy, but that goes for any workouts really. So far it hasn’t been a problem other than supersetting chest and back because I use two different machines. I really like the variety of alternating your style [STX] with Doug’s [supersets]. My question is, I have problems feeling my lats on [cable] pull-ins. Should I try pulldowns instead, wide grip?
[Read more…]Split vs. Full-Body Mass Workout: Which is Best?
In the brand new ebooks, you get an upper-body/lower-body split workout and a full-body version…
With the upper-lower split, you use more volume; however, you train each muscle less frequently for more recovery…
Which one is best? The answer is not which one builds mass the fastest; it’s which one you can and will stick with…
You must like—or at least not loathe—your workouts, and those gym sessions must fit seamlessly into your life…
If not, you’ll start skipping and maybe quit altogether—which isn’t acceptable if you want to be Built for Life…
Using myself as an example, I had some down time over the holidays as family visited and I scarfed down too many fruit cakes (not really; it was actually ham, mashed potatoes, and pecan pie)…
At the time I was on the hypertrophy split that’s outlined in Never Stop Growing (it merges the STX method with Mr. America Doug Brignole’s superset protocol)…
But then my wife got a gnarly infection in her hand, which blew up like a catcher’s mitt. It got so bad that she had to spend days in the hospital…
I was going back and forth to her room as well as helping with my grandkids, which she had been doing daily before the thumb-slicing incident…
Needless to say, I missed multiple workouts. Now I’m back on track; however, her hand is bandaged, so I’m still on grandkid duty…
Luckily, I had switched to The New Wave Full-Body Workout, which is perfect because I train all muscles at every session.
As I mentioned in a previous newsletter, it prioritizes half your body, while de-emphasizing the other half, then flip-flops that at the next workout…
Each full-body workout takes 35 minutes to get you growing. Plus…
Even if I have two days between workouts, it doesn’t affect my progress or mess with my head—because I know the frequency, even with only one or two sets per muscle, stimulates loads of growth…
Once things settle down, I’ll go back to the NSG hypertrophy split—alternating STX workouts with Mr. America Doug Brignole’s opposing-muscle superset method…
I’ll have more details on that innovative split workout in a future newsletter.
Till next time, train hard—and smart—for BIG results.
The brand new Never Stop Growing is here—guaranteed to get your workouts into major mass-building mode.
It’s the result of a multiple-year dialogue that resulted in key training tactics that crated stunning gains for us both.
Here are a few of the chapters…
- Mr. America’s TORQ Training: A look at Doug’s early Tension Overload Repetition Quantity method
- Less Volume, More Muscle: The precise amount of science-backed training you need for optimal hypertrophy
- Reduce Intensity for More Immensity: How many sets you should push to all-out muscular failure for maximum growth
- Size Surge With Less Fatigue: Why corralling muscle fatigue is the ultimate growth effect
- More or Less Rest Between Sets for Mass: Innovative ways you can combine powerful methods for hyper hypertrophy
- The Ultimate Mass Workout: This precision mass-training program features a full-page photo representation of each workout
- Rotation for Recuperation: A unique retro split method to coax more growth from each of your workouts—developed and used by champion ‘70s bodybuilder Frank Calta
PLUS: For a limited time, you get The Ultimate Mass Workout Reloaded absolutely FREE
It features the stealth “reload” method, a unique way to quickly bring up specific muscles.
You also get the amazing New Wave Full-Body Workout, an innovative take on whole-body training.
For more information on Never Stop Growing and The Ultimate Mass Workout Reloaded, go HERE.
Correcting My Mistake: Your Full-Body Mass Workout
In the last newsletter, I answered a question on the The New Wave Full-Body Workout that’s outlined in The Ultimate Mass Workout Reloaded—but I misspoke…
[Read more…]Mass Mantra #107
Here’s a quote from Nautilus creator and “Father of High-Intensity Training” Arthur Jones:
[Read more…]Full-Body Mass Solution
Q: I remember Arthur Jones [inventor of Nautilus machines] made a strong case for full-body workouts 3 days a week, saying the body is an interconnected unit. I was convinced but never able to stick with those—just too much work. I must say that yours [The New Wave Full-Body Workout in The Ultimate Mass Workout Reloaded] is the perfect solution. I tried [the A and B workouts], and each one took me 35 minutes. I did not feel drained. I’m excited. I can stick to these. My question is, Can I add a few exercises for some muscles?
[Read more…]Never Stop Growing: New Release
The brand new Never Stop Growing is here—guaranteed to get your workouts into major mass-building mode.
[Read more…]